Monday, December 1, 2014

Central American Solidarity Relay

There are so many things that I am thankful for. One of them is living in a place where I can raise my children without fear of constant violence. That is not the case in many parts of Honduras where Kevin and I served as Peace Corps Volunteers from 2008 to 2010. Our friends and fellow Peace Corps Volunteers, Dan and Emily, had the great idea of putting together a solidarity relay over Thanksgiving weekend to bring awareness to the influx of Central American children making the dangerous trek into the U.S. to flee the violence in their homelands. A group of over 160 people, most former Peace Corps Volunteers from Honduras and El Salvador, walked and ran over 1,600 miles in solidarity with the Central American children who have come to the United States as refugees from gang violence in their home nations of Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.

We all participated in this event. Dada ran 11 miles (he was tapering for his half ironman or would have run more), I ran 18 and Clarita even helped by doing the last 4.5 of my miles with me (It helped to take my mind off my terrible soreness from playing soccer on Thanksgiving). It's a very small gesture and we wish we could do much more.


Dan and Emily compiled a short video with photos and video of participants (see below) which features a song written by our friend (and fellow Peace Corps Volunteer) Michael and his band, Strumero. People were also encouraged to donate to KIND (Kids In Need of Defense): Having lived in Honduras for two years and witnessed some of the violence, we think it is important to bring awareness to this topic and question what we can do to help. Peace Corps pulled out of Honduras in 2011 due to the violence and it makes us sad to think that the friends we made have to stay and deal with the violence on a daily basis. I can't imagine choosing to send my young child alone on a 1400 mile dangerous trek in hopes that they would find a better life. No parent should be faced with that choice and I want Clarita to know how lucky she is to live a life free of such dangers and pressures.

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