Wednesday, November 26, 2014

20 months

Clarita continues to amaze us with her ability to learn! She just seems to absorb everything around her. She knows her colors and will randomly say them (in English only) as she is playing. She is almost always correct and will point to the correct color when you ask her in Spanish. She knows a lot of letters and will tell you "D Dada", "C Clara", "M Mama", and "A Aba." We're working on "F Fafa."


This little girl loves kids. She always points out the ninos and runs to them at the park with her arms outstretched! She has little friends that she sees at the park and will tell me all about them when I get home from work. She always remembers their names. Clara and Aba go to the library each week and Clara loves the kids there. She also loves doing crafts, especially those that involve glue sticks!

"Cawa's toys!"

Morning snuggles

Biking is so fun!

Although Clara was not a big fan of Baby Bailey at first, she now loves her. She has declared Bailey to be "Cawa's baby" and requests to hold her. She gives her kisses, hugs, and beep beeps on her nose. When we ask Clara if she is done holding Bailey she says "No!" and hugs her tighter. It is adorable and I can't wait to watch these girls grow up together!

Examining her hands

So soft

"Cawa's baby"


Clara also loves "Teegee" and often "calls" her on the phone. On days she goes to Fafa and Abuela Sheri's, Clarita tells me that she is going to see Teegee and Tistan. I think she always hopes they will be there, but is usually disappointed.

This is what happens when Dada's in charge...

Church council meetings are so fun

Dancing is another one of Clarita's favorite things and we often have dance parties. We listen to music at dinner and she commands us to dance. She even has little moves made up where she steps sideways across the floor waving her arms. My favorite is when we are calmly eating and all of a sudden Clara busts out with a dance move involving pumping her hands in the air! She even told me that she would like to have a dance party with Reedcito (I translated this to mean that they are obviously getting married)!

She's a genius!

Did I mention she's a genius?

Clarita's Stats

Weight: 21.4 pounds 
Height: 32 inches 
Head Circumference: 18.5 inches

What Clara Wears

Clarita has moved up to 18 month clothes which are still a little big. She still has some size four shoes, but is moving into size five.

Things Clara Loves

Mama and Dada, going for walks, naked baby time, pacifiers (especially her monito), reading books, people, playing with her toys, animals (especially her cats), eating, playing peek a boo, running, phones, remote controls, Baby Signing Time DVDs, stuffed animals (especially Momo and "Bafa"),  being swung through the air, swinging, sliding, being outside, water, swimming, blowing bubbles with Abuelita, dancing, shoes, esnugles, baths, letters, coloring, crafts

Things Clara Does Not Love

Having her hair combed and having her teeth brushed top the chart. I literally have to hold her down screaming and shaking her head back and forth to brush her teeth. She likes to do it on her own, but hates assistance...

How Clarita Sleeps

She's still taking one three hour nap and goes to bed between 1:00 and 2:00. At night she has been going down around 8:30 and getting up around 6:30. Clara sleeps in her sleep sack with Momo, Bafa, up to three pinguinos, and her chuponcito.


Clarita, Snugglepuff, Snuggles, Wiggle, Baby/Bebe, Munchkin, Birthday Twin, Loquita, Pipsqueak, Wigs, Loqs, Puff (thanks Mama)  


Clara talks nonstop and I can only understand half of what she says. She has been speaking in English a lot more than Spanish, but still responds to Spanish. I think the fact that we always speak English around her has made her want to speak it too. She also repeats EVERYTHING. We were at a meeting and she was pretending to talk on the phone. Her conversation was exactly what was being said in the meeting!


Nine (almost to double digits!) four top front, three bottom front, one top molar and one bottom molar.

Monthly Exciting Events

November 15, 2014: Clarita holds her first baby
November 5, 2014: Clarita meets Frijolita!
November 2, 2014: Clara becomes a big cousin!
October 22, 2014: Starts blowing bubbles in the bath water

Monthly Pictures

I don't want to take a picture, I
want to play in the leaves!

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