Sunday, November 23, 2014

Dada's Birthday

We love birthdays and this year Dada's birthday celebration managed to last a week and a half! On his actual birthday I had bookclub. I offered to stay home or go somewhere with him to celebrate but he declined the offer. I think he just wanted to have a fiesta with Clarita! And what a fiesta they had! It involved eating a million puffs for dinner, dance parties with star sunglasses, and an impressive 35 trips down the slide! I rushed to get home at 8:30 hoping the little Wiggle would still be awake. They were not even home when I got there, they were still at the park! Needless to say, they had a super fun night free of Mama's rules.

How many puffs can she eat?

The Saturday after Dada's birthday we had to run some errands in Fresno so we combined these with a birthday lunch at Red Robin. Dada had a very impressive three root beer floats and Clarita enjoyed lots of french fries. She also thought the metal french fry holders were fun toys! That night we had dinner with los Tios and Baby Bailey. Dada got to relax and even had a jello cake complete with candles that Tia found. Clarita helped him blow out the candles and enjoyed her first taste of jello cake which she loved (who doesn't?)!

We celebrated Dada's birthday with Fafa and Abuela Sheri Monday and went to dinner at a Thai restaurant in Hanford. Clara was very good for the first hour and enjoyed eating cucumber salad (she even ate the red onions!), brocoli, the tiny corn things, spicy rice, and of course lots of grapes. There was a little jack-o-lantern that "danced" on the cash register and Clara spotted it as soon as we walked in. She is obsessed with pumpkins and spent the whole night talking about the calabaza that danced. By the end of dinner she was only happy if she could see it. She also liked the candy at the register and was content to play with her piece the whole way home (candy is for playing not eating and she says "no eat" as she plays with it!). It was a very nice evening.


Dada's high school friends came over for one last celebration on Saturday. All together there were 11 kids with 1 more due any day and 3 who couldn't make it ! It was pure chaos, but so much fun! Clara had lots of fun playing with the ninos and we all took turns snuggling Baby Bailey. I was busy having fun and only managed to get a couple of pictures.

Stacy and Bailey

A table full of kids

Phil inventing games

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