Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Happy Halloween!

This year consisted of a lot of Halloween celebrations. We began the Saturday before Halloween with a trip to Hillcrest, a local pumpkin patch/Christmas tree farm that also has a steam train. We met Tia Alyssa, Tio Rene, Tristin, and Teagan there and the fun began! Clarita is obsessed with pumpkins (she calls them bazas short for calabazas) and was in heaven surrounded by pumpkins. She refused to pose for any pictures until I gave her an Indian corn to carry around. She and Teagan had fun being pulled in a wagon by Tristan, riding the train (Clara was really excited about this), and running around. While we rode the train Clara did her Miss America wave to the spectators and squealed with delight. The trip ended with Clara and Teagan spontaneously holding hands and walking around. It was the absolute cutest thing I have seen!

Baza got to ride the train too!

We followed the trip to Hilcrest with a party thrown by our friends Chelsea and Drew (and now baby Lyla). They throw an awesome party each year and this year's theme was animals.  Clarita and I were going to be Carebears, but her costume did not come in time (I already have one that Aba made me in high school - obviously where Tia Laurie got her sewing skills). Rather than try to put together something creative we used animal costumes that we already had (that Tia Laurie made years ago because she's sew talented!) and Tio Chino got Clarita a cow because he thought she would be a cute cow. The party was great as usual and all of the costumes looked amazing! Clara had fun looking at all of the animals and playing with Reedcito and Connor.

Kangaroo, Cow, and Pinguino

Ali and Chris Flamingo and Moose

Tia and Tio Cat with Fish bowl (aka Frijolita)
 and Giraffe

The McClartys Fozzie Bear, Miss Piggy,
Kermit, and Animal

The Rodriguezs Pooh, Hello Kitty, and Gorilla
and Baby Boy due in February

Playing frisbee with Reedcito

The Huertas Fireman and his Dalmations

Karl and Lindsay the scariest Pandas around!

The Toms Cow, Roadkill, and baby Jackalope

The Cat in the Hat Ravens

Chewly dressed as their pets Maple, Zorro,
 and little Zorro

She's obsessed with the Jumperoo

The celebration continued on Halloween with Trunk or Treat at church. I was able to leave work early and meet Aba and Clarita there. Aba wore my Carebear costume and Clara wore hers that finally arrived. Clara was not excited about putting her costume on and there was screaming involved. However, once she got it on and saw "ninos" she was fine. Kate, Sophia, and Ethan stopped by and Clarita was very excited to see them. She and Sophie helped to pass out candy. Clara was very excited about it but refused to give up her last piece of candy each round. She would start to put it in a kid's bag and then shake her head and say, "No candy" and take it back. Clara also loved Tia Erika's giant cookie monster that decorated the back of her car and the fact that she and her mom were Bert and Ernie! It was a fun afternoon.

I thought Clara would fall asleep on the way home but I was wrong. I put her down for a nap at 4:15 when we got home but she just rolled around her crib talking to herself. Aba had gotten her to take an hour and a half early nap before Trunk or Treat but this is pretty short for Clara and I was worried that she would be a disaster for the Raven's Halloween party. Turns out I was wrong! Clarita was so excited that there were ninos and Tristan and Teagan that she forgot that she was tired. She absolutely loved Trick or Treating and ran from house to house saying, "Candy, casa, thank you." The little Wiggle even said thank you when people gave her candy! She has no idea what candy is, but thinks it is fun to sort and play with. Clara did see Tristan eating a lollipop so she licked the outside of one of hers. Otherwise she was content to talk about her candy and tell everyone it was for Mama and Dada and "Cawa no." I think we had a pretty successful Halloween and Clarita definitely had fun!

Oh candy!


Piglet Eden

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