Sunday, November 9, 2014

Welcome Bailey Frijolita!

My earliest memory takes place in my grandparents' bathroom when I was three years old and my mother was in labor. I remember praying that I would get a sister. My prayers were answered and that baby sister now has her own baby! Bailey Kiyoko Suemoto (aka Frijolita) made her appearance on November 2, 2014 at 10:34 PM! She weighed in at 6 pounds 14 ounces and was 19 inches long. We are so excited to welcome her to the family and proud of Tia Laurie for being a trooper and doing such a good job birthing her!

The happy family

She just happened to be born the same day that Dada ran his first marathon. As we were leaving the marathon Tia Laurie called to say that she had been having steady contractions and thought that the baby was coming that day. I was of course super excited! Los Tios didn't want anyone to know anything until she got admitted so I kept silent and checked my phone for updates constantly. I finally headed to the hospital around 7:00 to meet Abuelita, Tio's parents Donna and Taco (he convinced Clara that is his dad's name), and Tio Robert and Tia Erika. Clarita had to stay home with Dada.

Taco got tired of waiting!

We waited in the waiting room for what seemed like forever (made longer by the fact that it had been such a long day and I was exhausted). I got occasional updates from Tio Chino and I'm pretty sure the entire hospital heard the cheer from all of us when I showed everyone the picture he sent us of Bailey! We got to go in and see her around 11:30 and we tried to be brief as they were exhausted and needed to rest and spend time with Bailey. We took turns holding her and admiring all of her black hair! When Tia Laurie was born my dad called me at my grandparents' house to tell me that my mom had a "hairy gorilla" due to the fact that Tia Laurie was so hairy. I have never forgotten that and it seemed fitting that Tia would have her own "hairy gorilla!" I was so thrilled to meet little Bailey and I've never seen Tio and Tia look happier.

Proud Daddy

Aba with her newest granddaughter

Proud Tia

Tio Robert

Tia Erika

The Suemotos

On Monday Dada and I went to visit Bailey (and her parents) at lunch since he hadn't met her yet and I wanted to snuggle her again. She and her parents were doing well and we took turns holding her. We thought Clarita had a lot of hair when she was born but Bailey put Clara's hair to shame! I love babies with lots of hair!

He still remembers how to hold a newborn

Look at that hair!

I had to go to Napa for work (for the third time in a month!:() so I forbid Clara from meeting Bailey until I got back. Luckily I got back earlier than expected and we were able to take Los Tios dinner Wednesday night and Clarita got to meet Frijolita! Bailey was in her swing in the living room when we arrived and Clara was interested in her. She wouldn't get too close but she stood nearby saying and signing "baby." She then said, "baby, hair" in reference to Frijolita's full head of hair! I think she approved! Clarita refused to touch Bailey and was content to look at her. While we ate dinner Tia held Bailey and Clara kept saying, "Tia, baby" and pointing to them. After dinner I snuggled with Bailey and Clara threw a fit! She has been getting upset for the past couple of months when I hold babies and I think it was made worse by the fact that I had been gone for the past two days. We tried to take a picture of the girls but Clara hid with Dada and made "I hope you die" faces. She even tried to push Bailey away and yelled "No!"

She's a natural!

I got Clara to sit on my lap with Bailey and even got a little smile out of her. She spent the rest of the night saying, "Mama, baby" and shaking her head no and saying, "Tia, baby" and shaking her head yes. I think she needs some time to get used to Bailey and then they will be best friends!


We visited them again this weekend and Clara played outside with Dada, Tio, and Taco while I snuggled Bailey. It took her awhile when she came inside to realize that I was holding Bailey Bean. When she did she yelled, "No!", started to whine, and then got over it. Sunday we went over with Aba after church and Clara did not complain when I held Bailey and even sat next to me and touched her hair. She did not want Aba to hold Bailey, but then decided she would just sit next to them. Clarita started touching Bailey's hair (she is really obsessed with her hair, probably because most of the babies she knows are bald) and then decided it was soft and she liked rubbing her face on it. Clara even decided to give her a kiss and petted her hair saying, "nice nice." I think they will be best friends in no time!

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