Thursday, November 6, 2014

Dada's First Marathon

This past Sunday we got up early and headed out to watch Dada's first marathon! Luckily it was Daylight Savings Time so we got an extra hour of sleep making it a little less early! Clara was very excited that we were leaving before it was light and talked the whole way there. Dada has been training for this race for a few months and was glad to finally get to run it.

Clarita and I found Tio Robert and Tia Erika right away and set up shop with them on a corner. We saw Dada run by as the race began and then again about two hours later. Clara and I went for a short run while we waited and she cheered "Yay Dada" the entire run! We almost missed Dada on his second pass by us because I was not paying attention. Luckily I looked up in time and there he was! We also got to see Tia Erika's sister Stephanie as she ran by.

Yay Dada!

Go Stephanie!

I thought that Clara would get bored but she absolutely loved the race. She loved watching the people run by and cheering for them (especially the kids), and also loved dancing. We were set up right by a local running store that was playing music. Clara spent two hours dancing and eating (she literally stole my granola bar breakfast and wouldn't even let me have a bite!). We had fun with the Tios too.

Luckily Tio Robert knew a shortcut to the finish line so we didn't have to fight the crowds. We got there in plenty of time and found Fafa and Abuela Sheri. Clara even had time to play on a little playground! She insisted on going up all by herself to the highest slide. Luckily there were bigger kids up there who helped her get all the way up because there was a big step. The kids were so sweet and picked her up and put her on the slide. They tried to help push her down but stubborn Clarita wouldn't have it. She said, "No push, Cawa" and pointed to herself like she would do it alone. This played out numerous times and her little helpers had as much fun as her.

We got back in time to see Dada finish and cheer for him. Luckily I am very loud because I am the only one he noticed due to my screaming! He finished with a time of 3 hours and 31 minutes and 59 seconds! He was aiming for around three and a half hours so I say he did great! He got 49th overall, so not too shabby! We are very proud of him!

Finishing strong

After the race Clara ate most of Dada's breakfast including an entire banana, half a tangerine, and a sausage and a half. She then proceeded to fall asleep in her stroller as we walked back towards the car. We saw various people we knew along the way and stopped to talk so Clara got about an hour nap.

Stephanie, Candice (7 months pregnant!) and Dada

This is my Tia Laurie just called to say she
was having a baby face (more about that
in the next post)!

We then headed to Eureka Burger to eat lunch and Clara colored and scarfed down some truffle fries (she has good taste) and the top of my hamburger bun. She was obsessed with the sesame seeds and would only eat pieces with them on it. It was a great day!

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