Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Fun With Mikaela

Martin Luther King Day weekend one of my friends from college, Auntie Mikaela, came to play! She got there late Saturday morning and Clara was very excited to see her. We had been talking about Mikaela coming to visit and Clara had chosen a seat for Mikaela at the table (right next to her of course) and liked to point out her seat each night at dinner. We had lunch and then while Clarita took a nap, Mikaela and I took a tour of Fresno (very exciting). Her mother had lived in Fresno the first nine years of her life so we saw the house she grew up in as well as all of the other exciting locations in Fresno.

Clara loved playing with Auntie Mikaela and as soon as she woke up from her nap requested "Mikaya." On Sunday we headed to the mountains so Mikaela could see the big trees. She was sufficiently impressed and Clarita was excited that she got to sit next to Mikaela in the car. We spent the morning in the park and then drove home while Clara slept. She woke up as soon as we got home and although her nap had been quite short, there was no way she was going back to sleep.

Los Tios and Bailey came over for dinner and Mikaela got to meet Bailey and get some snuggles in. Much to Clara's chagrin she had to go to bed early while the adults (and Bailey) played some games and relaxed. 

On Monday Clara, Mikaela, and I went to breakfast and had some yummy Swedish pancakes. Clara was more interested in playing with the salt and pepper shakers and the sugar packets than eating. We toured Kingsburg on foot (also lots of excitement) and Clara collected more rocks than she could carry. She got in some more snuggles with Mikaela before she had to head back to San Diego. 

"Pictures Clara"

Mikaela was a big hit with Clara and the little Wiggle was very disappointed when she woke up from her nap and Mikaya was gone. She kept asking for her and I don't think she believed that she was not coming right back. We can't wait for our next visit during which I will obviously need to take more pictures!

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