Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Birthdays Galore!

January was filled with celebrations! Abuela Sheri's birthday was the 14th and we took her out for dinner at a local Mexican restaurant. I failed to take a single picture, but we had a fun dinner complete with Clara sitting in a booster seat (not a highchair), bouncing on the booth, and eating chips and salsa. She kept dipping her chips in salsa, licking it off, drinking some milk, and repeating. This little girl takes after her dada in the spicy department!

Aba's birthday was the 20th and I learned from my mistake and took lots of pictures! Dada brought lunch home for he and Clara and Aba and she sang "Happy Birthday" to Aba! We went to dinner at another Mexican restaurant with the entire family. Clara came with Aba and Dada and I met them there. Clarita insisted on bringing her backpack filled with who knows what. She likes to wear it but rarely opens it up. She loved my quesadilla, bean burrito, and of course lots of chips! After dinner we all went over to Tio Robert and Tia Erika's (and Clarita threw a tantrum because Mama and Dada were not both riding with Clara and Aba) for some gluten free cake and present opening. Clarita helped Aba blow out her candles and enjoyed her cake. Bailey had gotten vaccinations earlier in the day and was a little fussy (aka she actually cried). Clara was very concerned when Bailey cried and had to make sure she was ok. It was a fun night!

Gluten free cake...yum!

She's a real baby!

The 27th was my birthday and Clara told me happy birthday in the morning and even sang "Happy Birthday" to me! Dada, Clarita, and I went to a Thai restaurant for dinner. We had gone there two and a half months ago for Dada's birthday and there had been a pumpkin bobble head by the cash register. It was no longer there, but apparently Clarita is an elephant and never forgets. She asked where the pumpkin went and we could not believe that she remembered it! She ate lots of rice and even tried some spicy rice! We ended the night with a stop at the grocery store where the little Wiggle pushed her tiny cart to the milk declaring, "I need milk!" (it was true). She cried when she had to put her cart back; life's tough when you're a toddler.

The next day the celebration continued and we went to Indian food with the entire family. After a slight detour to an Indian store (I swear Spanish Yelp told me it was a restaurant), we finally found a real restaurant in time to avoid a total meltdown from Bailey. Bailey and I kicked it while we all ate and Clara refused to eat much of anything (although the next night she commandeered my leftovers and ate half of them!) and at one point demanded that I not hold Bailey anymore. I did not follow her command and she got over it. She put on a little show for us dancing and singing "All About that Bass" and made some new friends with the restaurant staff!

Surprise, we had an Asian baby!

That hair kills me!

Leftover Indian food is so good!

My birthday celebration continued (how lucky am I?) that Friday with an obligatory dinner at Red Robin yumm! It is pretty much law that we celebrate birthdays with los tios (and now Bailey) there and this was no exception. It was super crowded so we hung out in the mall and waited. The little Puff played in one of the cars in the middle of the mall. She had no idea that it could move if money was put in, but had a good time pretending to drive (one of her new favorite things). She insisted that Momo ride in the back of the car! Clara then proceeded to eat her body weight in french fries, fruit strips, and ice cream...dinner of champions! Bailey was happy and quiet through the dinner (and Dada held her for the first time since she was born!) and Clara was too so we'll call it a raging success!

Guinness shake...ewww!

More ice cream please

He's still got the touch!

On the 31st we celebrated Baby Cambria's first birthday! Clara had fun playing with the kids and the candy machines. She collected the empty containers that the older kids threw down and thought that was pretty fun (who needs real toys?). She ate lots of pizza (after a tantrum for no apparent reason when we sat down to eat) and enjoyed a cupcake as well. Cambria was as sweet as can be and happy as ever and Cam and Bri (they swear they did not combine their names for their daughter but I disagree) did a great job decorating the place! There were so many little ones and it is awesome that Clarita will grow up with so many friends!

Sweet Baby Cambria

She was too excited to bother with
picking it up!

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