Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Adventures Continue!

It's official, Clara will be a big sister soon! The new little one is due at the end of July, but I have learned that due dates are not correct so he or she will get here when they want to. We're excited and Clarita says she is too. I don't think she fully understands what is happening. She knows there is a baby in my belly and will point to it. She says she wants a baby brother or sister like Bailey. When we ask her if she wants a girl or boy she says, "baby." I got her a book in Spanish about becoming a big sister and she loves to read it and says she is the girl in the book. She also asks to hug the baby sometimes and has now started saying that she also has a baby in her tummy. I know she'll be a great big sister and she's getting in lots of practice with Bailey!

Everything has been kind of a whirlwind thus far. Kevin and I were talking about when we should have another baby one night and decided that there is never a perfect time. I suggested that we could have one right away and he/she and Clara would be two grades apart and he/she would be in the same grade as Bailey. We decided to try for two weeks and if I didn't get pregnant we would wait until Clara turned two. I don't think either of us actually thought I would get pregnant that quickly, but I did. So it was not well thought out, but I think it has finally settled in and we're as ready as we'll ever be...ready or not here we go on our next adventure as a family of four!

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