Sunday, February 15, 2015


Our friends Michael, Megan, and now baby Jack always have an awesome super bowl party. This year was no exception and we had a fabulous time filled with great friends, delicious food, and lots of babies/kids to entertain us! Clarita wore her big sister shirt to announce the news and had a ton of fun playing with the other kids, especially Connor. They chased each other around and when she couldn't see him she would ask, "Where's Connor Mommy?" She even let him kiss her a couple of times (don't tell Reedcito)!

Clara got a little jealous when Eden hugged Bailey

Chuponcito thief!

Carver looked shocked every time!

Connor getting one last kiss in

We have a ton of football jerseys that we bought at Ropa Americana stores (aka thrift stores with clothes donated from the U.S.) in Honduras and just happened to have a Patriots and a Seahawks jersey. They were both small but Dada insisted on wearing the Patriots jersey (the smaller one) so I wore the Seahawks jersey. We didn't really care who won, but it's more fun when you dress up. Clarita wore her Buffalo Bills outfit but chanted "Raiders, Raiders" (never take a small child to a Raiders game or they get brain washed!).

So much spirit


Highlights of the day include Clarita putting on her own halftime show dancing and singing to "All About that Bass" standing on her little stage. Connor was so impressed he joined her and the show got even better! Clara eating her body weight in chips and tomatoes (dinner of champions). Lyla and Eden teaching the big kids to screech so there was a house full of screeching children. Jack stealing Carver's pacifier a million times in a row and Carver looking so surprised every time. Me winning the last quarter squares game. And Eden showing her new skills by walking across the room! It was a very fun day!

Who needs TV when you have these two?

Dancing machine!

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