Monday, February 16, 2015

Un Dia en la Vida de Clarita

It's been awhile since I did one of these. This is from Sunday, February 8, 2015.

6:00: We wake up to crying on the baby monitor. Clara is sitting up.
6:15: We decide that she is not just going to fall back to sleep like normal and Dada goes up and gives her a pacifier and tells her to go to sleep.
6:50: Someone is awake and playing in her crib.
7:10: We go upstairs and get her up and do a diaper change.

7:20: We head downstairs and Clarita plays while Mama does laundry and Dada makes breakfast. Clara is obsessed with putting a tiny hat on Baza and runs around the house looking for him. Luckily for him she doesn't find him and plays with her easel instead.

7:35: The little Wiggle requests to open the refrigerator and gets "blueberry morning" (blueberries) out. She occupies herself eating those until the French toast is ready. Clara insists that she needs jam on her French toast.

Her "toothbrush"

8:00: Done eating. Clarita plays while we clean up. She chases Baza around and puts his hat on everything including him and her toys.

Practicing for the circus

8:15: Clarita brushes her teeth and takes a shower with Mama. She has a giant poop before we begin. As she's playing in the tub when we're done she tells me "pee pee" and squats town and pees in the tub. I call that progress as she at least told me that she had to go to the bathroom (baby steps)!

9:00: After Clarita finishes running naked through the house we say adiĆ³s to Dada who's off on a long bike ride and head upstairs to get ready.

Naked flute player!

9:32: She's finally ready to leave after reading 1 million books and playing with all her toys. At one point she tells me, "pee pee diaper" and when I ask her if she needs to sit on the potty she says yes. She actually pees in the potty for the first time and we wash our hands and cheer!

9:40: We head to Reedley for church.

9:56: We arrive at church on time for once! Clara eats snacks enjoys the children's message and plays with her toys during the service.

"Fruta bunnies"

The new church council

11:10: Church is done. We have snacks, she plays with Bailey and the toys, and we do a diaper change.

11:40: We head home.
12:05: We get home and realize that one of Clarita's shoes got left at church. Luckily Aba is still there at a meeting and gets it. I make lunch of tuna sandwiches made with Greek honey vanilla yogurt instead of mayo (it was the only non fruit flavor we had left and wasn't too bad), oranges, and milk. I was pretty sure Clara would not like the tuna and sure enough she started crying when she took a bite of her sandwich. She then declares her oranges are spicy and refuses to eat them. She throws a tantrum including throwing her milk over and finally calms down and decides to eat her leftover peanut butter and jelly sandwich ("no crust") and blueberries.

"No tuna!"

12:45: She finishes eating and we go upstairs and read.
1:06: Clarita gets into bed and Dada gets home in the nick of time to say goodnight. I do laundry and pull weeds while Clara sleeps. I think she would be jealous if she knew I was outside pulling weeds and I would gladly trade her places!).

3:40: Someone is awake and playing with her animals.
3:50: Dada gets her up and changes her diaper.

Dos chuponcitos!

4:12: We head to store with a snack of milk and Cheerios. Clara demands to push the little cart and declares, "I need milk!" On our way home we see our neighbor Olive and her parents outside their house and stop to say hi. The girls share some seed balls that have fallen off the trees.

Que Dada loco!

"Hi Owive!"

5:00: We get home and quickly get ready to go out to dinner.
5:15: We leave for Visalia.
5:40: We get to the restaurant and Clarita throws a tantrum for no apparent reason. This is followed by another brought on by not getting to hold my water glass. Dada takes her outside and she calms down. Clarita eats cornbread, french fries, smoothie, and a tiny bit of fish sticks. She gets her first brain freeze and tells us her head hurts!

But I want to hold the glass...

6:45: We head home after a somewhat disappointing dinner (I wouldn't recommend Ocean Basket).
7:15: We get home and head straight to the bath. Clarita rarely takes baths (generally only on days before she goes to Fafa and Abuela Sheri's) and absolutely loves them. She lays on her stomach and says that she is swimming.

My little monita

7:33: Bath time is over because the turtle turned blue. We go upstairs and Dada puts her pjs on and brushes her teeth while Mama puts her clean clothes away.We read a bunch of books and say buenas noches. 

"No Dada, Cawa do it!"

"Te amano Mama"

8:13: The sleepy Puff is in bed with a million animalitos and dos blankies. She's out in a minute and sleeps until 6:30 the next morning when Dada has to wake her up.

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