Thursday, January 15, 2015

Cabin Fever

Dada and I took January second off and went snowboarding with Fafa while Clarita played with Abuela Sheri. After a day of snowboarding, we dropped Fafa off, picked up the Puff, and headed up to the cabin to play in the snow.

We weren't sure how Clarita would react to the snow since she was so little when she saw it last year in Michigan. Turns out she loved it! She was very excited to put her botas on (which she now argues that Tia got her since we picked them up from Tia's house) and insisted on walking in the snow. It was pretty icy by the time we got there, but Clara thought it was hilarious every time she fell down or my foot fell through the top layer of snow.

The cabin was freezing so we had a picnic pizza dinner in front of the heater while we attempted to stay warm. The cold didn't bother Clara and she ran around collecting all of the bears and other stuffed animals (and there are a lot). We took showers since the water was warm (and we were dirty) and then Clara proceeded to run around some more. I was exhausted and fell asleep in front of the heater while Clarita ran around me (I guess we know where she gets her sleeping skills). We let her stay up until 9:30 when we deemed it finally warm enough for her to get into bed.

We didn't wake up until 7:30 the next morning and after a delicious breakfast of waffles and fruit that Dada made, we headed outside. Dad had bought Clarita some little skis to get her used to them and she loved wearing them at our house. However, at the cabin, Clara was adamant that she did not want to ski so we took a walk to the visitor center and store. She liked looking at the different animals and pictures and requested milk and cheese from the store. She of course had to eat them right away in the freezing cold! When we got back to the cabin and Clarita still wouldn't put skis on we decided to go sledding. The little Wiggle absolutely loved sledding on the "barco" and kept requesting more. She squealed in delight the entire way down even when we went down a pretty steep hill and she got covered in snow.

Look, skiing is fun!

Dada taught me how to throw snowballs

After lunch and nap time (during which we relaxed and watched a movie!), we headed out to play in the snow again. Clarita once again refused to put on her skis so at the risk of making her hate them even more, we strapped them to her kicking and screaming. As often happens with this little girl, once they were on and she was "skiing" she loved them! Dada skied her all around and she laughed and requested to put her skis back on when they fell off. We did some more sledding as well.

Helping Dada fix the water


I hate skiing!

Actually, it's pretty fun!

Sunday we headed out for more sledding and I finally convinced Clara to put on her gloves so that she could make a snowman with Dada. The snow was too icy for this so their snowman was very sad. She sledded more and then I taught her how to make a snow angel. She was a little reluctant to lay in the snow at first, but after she saw how much fun I was having, she plopped right down. The snow was really too hard to make a decent snow angel but we gave it a good try. We headed to the store where we got ice cream (she had a difficult time deciding between ice cream and yogurt) which she got to eat as a morning snack (all the rules go out the door at the cabin)! We had lunch and then Clara went down for a three and a half hour nap during which we watched another movie and packed up the car.

Sledding rocks!

This little table is pretty awesome!

Ice Cream!


Clarita was a little sad to say goodbye to the cabin and all of her animal friends, but she was excited to see "Dada car" and her car seat. We had the first relaxing weekend in a long time and enjoyed the snow and just being together!

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