Vacation Bible School began the day after we go back from Michigan and I was once again in charge of it (for the last time!). Tia helped me get everything ready and Clarita was a trooper helping us decorate for long hours when she was tired and hungry. Luckily she is easily entertained and there are lots of fun things at church. One day she cried when it was time to stop decorating and leave (at 8:00 PM) and told me the next morning that she wanted to go back to the amen (she calls churches and crosses amens).
The theme of VBS this year was Everest where the kids learned about "Conquering Obstacles with God's Mighty Power!" The band, Captive Free, was with us again and led the kids in singing each day. This is always the kids' favorite part and they get pretty into the singing. We had a very small group this year with around 25 kids. We found out the day VBS began that a couple other churches were having their VBS the same week with the same theme. Although our group was small we had a lot of fun! Clarita is still technically too young to attend, but since I'm there she gets to. Teegee also came this year as well as another little girl six months older than them but potty trained, and a little boy a couple of months younger whose mom stayed with him. The preschool class was the largest and half the class was under three. That made for some tantrums, but also a lot of cuteness and fun! Bay Leaf hung out with Aba and Tia and had fun too!
The preschoolers loved Bailey! |
Pretending to sleep with her "blanket" |

The first day Clara was exhausted from our trip to Michigan and did not want to wake up in the morning or eat breakfast. Once we got to church she just wanted me to hold her and would not stay with her class if I left. She was amenable to going to games and snack with Tia, but insisted that I carry her for most of the morning. After lunch we took the band up to the big trees and it was also Bailey's first time there! Clara slept on the ride up but was still tired when she woke up. She insisted that I carry her the entire walk through the trees and I was exhausted by the end. When we went to the visitor's center she heard Tia say that she was getting ice cream so she of course wanted some too. I told her I didn't have any money so Clara asked Tia if she had money to buy her ice cream. Needless to say, she got her ice cream and ate it all! We headed to the Riffel's for a yummy dinner where Clara got to see cows and frogs. She even held some frogs and was so excited about it! She fell asleep on the way home and did not wake up when I brought her inside and got her ready for bed. I don't think she's done that since she was tiny!

Captive Free |
mmm ice cream! |
Tuesday morning was the first time in a long time that Clara did not wake up crying for Dada in the middle of the night! Dada actually got to sleep in his bed all night long! She was in a much better mood and ready to go to VBS! Clara did better, but still wanted to come to me if she saw me. Teegee came for the first time and Clara of course bossed her around and pulled her by the hand everywhere. The two girls seemed to have a great time and Teagan was much better behaved than Clara and seemed to really like dancing. Clarita even got to have some juice at snack since I couldn't really tell her no when all the other kids had some...she was so excited she showed it to everyone saying, "Look I have juice!"
Learning from Pastor Doris |
Snack time |
Tia leading games |
Craft time with Cindy |
On Wednesday Sophia joined us and Clara thought it was super exciting that Sophie was in the backseat with her. Sophie played with Clara while I got things ready in the morning and after VBS. It was great! Clara was exhausted each day after VBS and I had to keep her from falling asleep on the way home and ruining her nap!
Thursday was the program and Clarita was super excited to eat watermelon and chips. She was not very interested in singing and dancing and instead preferred to stand in front of the kids and tell them what to very bossy. She kept saying, "No ninos/Gracie/Teegee, stand over here. Good job Teegee yay!" And cheering and pointing to where she thought they should go. Teagan did a great job dancing as did the other kids. I ended up having to sit on the stage so the little ones didn't fall off or knock something over. I must say, it was pretty funny watching them all!

Friday was our last day and I think all the little ones were tired. They started saying no and not wanting to follow directions. Clara actually did well and stayed with her class without me all day. By 11:00 the littles all had meltdowns if they didn't get a second snack and Clara basically ate a lunch. I think it was a lot for them as most of them are used to being at home most days. Clara played with Aba, Sophia, Bailey, and Grace while Tia and I cleaned up. Then we went home and she took a nearly three hour nap! We went to Tia and Tio's house to celebrate VBS being over with nachos and swimming!

It was a fun week, but a long one for both Clara and I. She had a lot of fun but was worn out by the end. I think she'll be ready for VBS next year when she's a little older and I'm not there for her to run to. I think she does better when I am not there and Aba agreed. I learned that one should not run a VBS while 35 weeks pregnant! Luckily I had tons of help or I would have passed out from exhaustion!
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