Monday, July 13, 2015

Emmett's Fat Pictures!

Tia Erika outdid herself again! She took Maternity pictures of us on Fourth of July when it was super hot and humid and we had a very tired/uncooperative toddler. The night before we watched fireworks and Clara stayed up until 11:00! She was still asleep when Tio Robert and Tia Erika arrived and was not happy about taking pictures. Luckily they got a few good ones of all of us before Clarita absolutely refused to take anymore (not even bribes of cookies worked). I even went against my normal anti-matching instincts and color coordinated our outfits! And we incorporated some patriotism into the shots since it was the Fourth of July! I'm about three weeks from my due date with these pictures. Tia Erika tried to recapture some of the same shots she did when I was pregnant with Clara so we could compare. With Clara I was about five weeks away from my due date (and six weeks from when I delivered). It's great to have such a talented sister-in-law! Thanks Tios!!!

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