Saturday, July 18, 2015

Lo Que Dice Clarita Primavera 2015

I've been meaning to post this for awhile, but kept forgetting. I've been trying to keep track of funny things that Clarita says so I can remember them and I thought I'd share. She talks nonstop so I get a lot of laughs. When she's not talking she's singing and now makes up her own songs! Here are some of the funny things she's said in the past few months with some pictures from the past few months.

Cheezits loves me (instead of Jesus loves me). She often sings "yes, Cheezits loves me" and argues when I tell her it is actually Jesus.

One day she picked up her stuffed meerkat and said, "Oh Meerkat you so crazy!"

Clara saw Dada drinking a clear soda and exclaimed, "Dada drinking soda water!"

A not so endearing trait was spitting milk into her washcloth and saying "Oh I spit up."

The little Puff and I were eating one day and she pointed to to my glass and said "oh windows!" She then pointed to her plastic cup and said in a disappointed voice, "no have windows."

I was making us smoothies and Clarita declared, "I want chicken nuggets in licuado." Needless to say I did not comply with her wishes!

Clara loves to nurse her babies. After nursing pinguinito she became very concerned and said, "Oh no pinguinito spit up. I need burp cloth!" She then proceeded to use her blankey to clean him off.

Upon finding the remainder of a packet of chocolate donuts in the refrigerator, "Oh you got Clara brown donuts? Good job mama!"

The little Wiggle has decided that neck pillows are boppies for her. She saw one underneath my pillow one day and scolded me, "Oh that's Clara's boppy. That's not a pillow either." She then used it to nurse her penguin in order to prove her point.

To get Clara to let us put pony tails in her hair we tell her that they help keep tangles away. When she saw Aba with a pony tail she said, "Oh Aba you have ponytail? You have tangles too?"

Dada was pretending to nibble on Clarita and she yelled, "No Dada, no eat Clara I yucky."

We were teaching Clara about last names and after telling her that Bailey's was Suemoto she crouched in front of her and asked, "Bailey, you a Suemoto?" 

"What the heck?! They have eyes! Oh my gosh!" I can't remember what this was in reference to, but I think it was some type of bug like fireflies. 

I told Clarita to do something and her response was, "No mama don't be bossy." We are constantly telling her not to be so bossy and in her defense I was being bossy. We had to have a conversation about how parents are allowed to be bossy.

I asked Clarita (in Spanish) if she was growing (creciendo) and she replied, "I'm creciendo un bebe" and lifted up her shirt to show me her stomach.

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