Weeks 28 - 29: I leave my belly band in Atascadero during a work trip and attempt running without it...bad idea! We travel more and I realize that I am so over road trips while pregnant!
Weeks 30 - 31: I develop a bad sinus infection, perhaps from only spending two nights at home in a week and a half period (and spending nights in four very different climates). Being pregnant, sick, and having a toddler sucks. I come home early one day and sleep for an hour and a half. I run very little due to feeling crappy (one day I get up, get dressed, put sunscreen on, and go right back to bed!). My belly button pops halfway out. It didn't pop out at all with Clarita and it grosses me out. I run a two mile race and beat Tia right around seven months! I become obsessed with fruit, vegetables, and salad. We (Dada and Fafa) finally get the baby's room painted which makes me feel a lot better. Clara requests that we paint it pink but gets vetoed! I officially weigh as much as I did when I gave birth to Clarita...people really start making comments on how huge I am ranging from telling me the baby is going to be big, I won't make it to my due date, my clothes are not going to fit me for two more months, strait out telling me I am huge, and asking if there are two babies in there! Luckily I am not easily offended and think it's pretty funny.
Weeks 32 - 33: I finally get well and start running again, doing 6.5 miles three times per week. Unlike running with Clara I don't get sore, I just feel awkward and off balance. But I still run a little over a nine mile pace so I guess I'm not that awkward! It hits 108 degrees at week 33 and the heat really gets to me so I start swimming which feels lovely! I go on my last work trip to Napa, yay (I've been having to travel a lot)! The hospital workers are appalled that I am there so pregnant and insist on escorting me around even though I have my own keys. We rip up the carpet in Emmett's room!
Weeks 34 - 35: We travel to Michigan. I'm not nearly as uncomfortable as I thought I would be on the plane and not a single airline employee questions me traveling with my huge belly. I run 4.5 miles three times a week while there and feel good since it's not nearly as hot. I run VBS which exhausts me. It's really hot and I'm not used to being on my feet and carrying Clara for so long. I figure since I didn't get swollen this week I will never get swollen! Two weeks without working! I feel a lot better not spending a large chunk of the day sitting at my desk. I swim a lot and run only five miles twice per week. The doctor does an ultrasound because she can't feel the baby's head. Turns out he's just super low. I feel like he's ready to fall out sometimes...
Week 36: I go back to work and am uncomfortable sitting all day. I am also increasingly paranoid that this baby will come soon (perhaps because EVERYONE tells me this constantly) and start freaking out that the nursery has no floor and no working closet and as a result nothing in it! I realize that I haven't even thought about packing my hospital bag although I am sure I already had it done with Clarita at this time. I wash all the baby's clothes and that makes me feel better. I cut running down to once a week for five miles and swim much more because it's not as uncomfortable.
Week 37: Kevin and Ty start stripping the nursery floor! Ty works every day (best father-in-law ever!) and gets it stained. However, we find out that the sealer we need that was used on the other floors upstairs in no longer available in California. Luckily my Aunt Beth is coming to visit from Arizona and picks some up for us. However we have to wait a week. My co-workers throw me a super sweet surprise baby shower! My doctor checks me and says I am 80% effaced and 1.5 centimeters dilated. I manage not to freak out and instead we take Clarita to the zoo for one last outing pre-Baby Emmett and I spend the weekend painting furniture for her just so I can feel productive! I also pack my bag for the hospital and Clara's bag for going to los Tios while we're at the hospital. I also pack up most of my maternity clothes. I decide I would like Baby Emmett to be born July 26 sometime in the afternoon/evening and start willing it to happen.
Week 38: I start checking things off my list like getting my car washed, getting a pedicure, pre-registering at the hospital, etc. I have some real contractions and freak out because I am not ready for the baby yet. Luckily they go away. My Aunt Beth brings the sealer for the floor and Ty and Kevin finish it. We have to let it dry before I can put anything in and this makes me crazy (I'm not very patient). I take a day off work and have a great day with my aunt, mom, Laurie, Bailey, and Clara. I set up all the baby things that Laurie brings me and finally feel somewhat ready (minus the fact that his room isn't done). Laurie and I have a weigh off and for the first time since we were young and she got taller than me, I weigh more than her (but I can still run faster so that's all that really matters). I'm now at two centimeters and my doctor says my body is getting ready for labor. I finish washing/putting away all of the baby clothes.
Week 39: I decide running while pregnant in the summer is overrated and vow to only swim from her on out. I take a day off work and Laurie and I get Baby Emmett's room set up minus some decorations. I have my last court date at work and the 1.5 hour drive, sitting in the meeting with the judge for 1.5 hours and then driving 1.5 hours back nearly kills my back. While doing an evaluation at jail I get told by a guard that I am crazy for still working. But I feel really good, better than I have in a while. Perhaps because I stopped running I am not sore at all and I feel more energetic. I start waking up by 4:00 AM which kills me because I know I should be stocking up on sleep, but I don't feel tired so I take advantage of that time to get stuff done. I finish up everything at work the Friday before my Monday due date (with Clara I worked Friday and was due the following Wednesday). I go to the doctor and am dilated to 3.5! Los Abuelos finish up Emmett's closet and molding. Now I am officially ready for Emmett to arrive! The night I finish work I have tons of contractions but am so tired that I refuse to go into labor and go to bed instead. Luckily they go away. I am pretty uncomfortable and tired.
Week 40: My due date arrives even though everyone told me I would never make it this far because I was huge. I am super ready for Emmett to come out and swim followed by a 3.5 mile walk (running is impossible he's so low). I have a lot of contractions while I am getting Clara ready for Gymboree, but they eventually go away and we go to Gymboree. I take her to swim lessons later in the day since Kevin had to work from 4:00 AM to 9:00 PM...it's a long day and of course I go into labor at 9:30 PM when Kevin and I are exhausted and Clarita has just fallen asleep...
28 Weeks Clara |
28 Weeks |
29 Weeks Clara |
29 Weeks |
30 Weeks Clara |
30 Weeks |
31 Weeks Clara |
31 Weeks |
32 Weeks Clara |
32 Weeks |
33 Weeks Clara |
33 Weeks |
34 Weeks Clara |
34 Weeks |
35 Weeks Clara |
35 Weeks |
36 Weeks Clara |
36 Weeks |
37 Weeks Clara |
37 Weeks |
38 Weeks Clara |
38 Weeks |
39 Weeks Clara |
39 Weeks |
40 Weeks Clara |
40 Weeks |
Clarita |
Baby Emmett |
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