Thursday, August 27, 2015

Un Dia En La Vida de Clarita y Emmett

This is from August 24, 2015 when the Little Guy was 27 days old. I did Clarita's first one of these when she was 27 days old so I decided to do one for Emmett too. They are certainly very different days and I know why I'm tired at the end of the day!

1:17: The Little Guy starts making grunting noises so I wake up and nurse him.
1:34: We do a quick diaper change and I re-swaddle him.
1:41: I put him back in bed and he's asleep right away.
5:04: More grunts so I nurse him.
5:24: Do a diaper change.
5:32: Put him back in bed with his chuponcito because he's wide awake.  He quickly falls asleep.
6:50: I see on the monitor that Clara is awake and quietly playing with her animals. I give the monitor to Dada and go for a quick run.
6:55: Dada gets Clara up.

7:10: He finally gets her to go pee pee.
7:15: I'm back and Clara is eating breakfast of cereal from Dada's bowl.

Gotta get every last drop

7:27: Clara finishes her breakfast and goes to play while I make my breakfast. She pretends to sleep with Dada.

7:40: Dada leaves Clara "wakes up."
7:45: We brush our teeth and make the bed and Clara gets dressed.

7:57: We hear baby Emmett making noises and head downstairs to get him up. He nurses.

8:16: We brush Clara's hair and close the windows.
8:30: Baby Emmett gets a diaper change.
8:40: We leave for our walk.

9:36: We finish our walk at the park. Baby Emmett is still sleeping in the carrier. Clara plays and climbs.

9:55: Clara says she needs to go potty then changes her mind. We head to the grocery store. On the way we see one of our neighbors and her daughter and stop to make plans to go on walks together.
10:15: We get to the grocery store Clara requests Popsicles and I oblige since she's been so good.
10:24: Head home.
10:36: We get home. The little guy slept the entire time! Clarita cleans up her puzzles. I get some cloth diapers ready.

I yuv you Baby Emmett!

10:44: Baby Emmett is hungry and crying. I nurse him while Clara plays with diapers and Baza.
11:02: We do a diaper change and Baby Emmett gets his first cloth diaper! Clarita requests graham crackers. I get Signing Time ready and my shower ready.

Does this diaper make my butt look big?

11:22: I jump in the shower while Clara watches Signing Time and Emmett hangs out in the bouncy chair.

11:45: I get out of the shower and realize that I forgot to put the groceries away. No big deal it's just milk and lettuce. Put them away and Clara announces that she needs to go potty.

11:55: I put the little guy in the pouch and start making lunch.

12:09: Emmett's a little fussy so I give him a pacifier and he falls asleep immediately.
12:25: I put the little guy in the bouncy chair he wakes up and is content to just look around. We eat lunch of a grilled cheese sandwich, strawberries, and milk.  Clarita says "thank you for making me a cheese sandwich."

12:40: We're done eating and we clean up. Dada gets home for lunch.

12:44: Emmett nurses while dada hangs out with Clara and lets her play with a cup of water which she spills everywhere and eat chips.
1:00: All done nursing the Snugglebuggle hangs out with dada.

1:05: Clara declare she needs to go potty and poops!
1:15: Dada leaves. I change Emmett's diaper and put some clothes on him.
1:25: Clara goes down for a nap in the library. Emmett starts fussing I give him a pacifier and we snuggle.

1:56: Emmett falls asleep on me while I talk to my boss on the phone.
2:10: I finish my phone call and put him in the swing and I sleep too!

2:54: Emmett wakes up hungry so we nurse.
3:10: Do a quick diaper change and he goes back to sleep.
3:50: I lay him on me to sleep because I don't get to snuggle him enough.
4:15: I hear Clara calling me so I tell her to come to the living room. She snuggles with me and gives baby Emmett kisses.
4:25: Clara requests a popsicle. I put Emmett in the swing while she eats.

4:40: A tantrum ensues when I remind Clara that she cannot have more than one popsicle. It ends by letting her look at the picture I took of her crying. We cut our pokies (aka nails).

4:55: Clara declares that she has to go potty but won't go because there is a tiny bit of water in the potty and she says it's pee pee. I have to dump it out before she'll go. Clara then plays and runs around crazy.

5:19: The Little Guy starts fussing to let me know he's hungry. He nurses.
5:37: We do a diaper change.

5:42: Emmett goes back to sleep so I put him in the bouncy chair. We give the cats Friskies. Clara throws a tantrum because I tell her she has to wait until dinner to eat. She colors her placement while waiting for Dada to get home.

5:55: Dada gets home!
6:00: We eat dinner of leftovers - cornbread, salad, pasta, and green beans.

6:17: We finish eating. Clarita declares that she wants to go swimming. I clean up and get her ready.

6:30: Dada and Clara go outside to swim. Emmett and I go outside to watch and I try to wake the Snugglebuggle up. I finally succeeded by cutting his pokies.

6:52: Emmett nurses.
7:00: Clara gets out of the pool saying she has to go pee pee. She and Dada go to the bathroom and she pees. She comes back desnuda.

7:07: Emmett is done nursing and falls asleep again. I finish cutting his pokies.

7:20: Emmett wakes up, Clara gets out of the pool, and we head inside.

7:30: Bath time for Clarita. Emmett hangs out with dada.

7:41:  Clara says that she wants to get out of the bath and says adios to the agua and pulls the plug. When I walk out of the room she gets lotion out and gets all over her.

7:46: Clarita requests uvas as her snack before bed.

7:57: Head upstairs. Emmett gets fussy and has tummy time which calms him down. We get ready for bed.

8:02: The Little Guy gets upset trying to turn over and tummy time is over. His pacifier calms him down. We do some more tummy time on mama. Then he hangs out with dada.

8:06: We read to Clara.

8:20: Clara tries to go pee pee but can't. We brush her hair and have a talk about how Dada is only going to sleep with her for one more week and then she's on her own.

8:31: Baby Emmett and I go downstairs to nurse. Clara goes to sleep and Dada stays with her.

8:48: Emmett is wide awake so we do a diaper change, baby massage, and naked baby time. He pees all over.

9:13: I put a diaper and pajamas on the Little Guy. Dada finally wakes up and comes downstairs.

9:24: Emmett starts getting fussy so I carry him around as I get ready for bed and for our day  tomorrow.
9:36: He's falling asleep so we nurse one more time, but he can't stay awake.

9:44: I swaddle him and put him to bed in the bassinet.

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