The little guy is a trooper and endured his first busy week like a trooper! So far he is such a good baby, super calm and laid back, and a good sleeper like his sister; everything I willed him to be! We came home from the hospital on Wednesday after less than 24 hours! I wasn't sure about being released so early as I spent two days with Clara and was glad because it gave me a chance to rest. However, we were eager to get home to Clarita and more comfort. It turned out to be fine. We took a nap while we waited for los Tios to bring Clara home after her nap. They brought us pizza and pie too and Aba came over. Baby Emmett got to meet Bay Leaf who was not sure what to do with a baby. Dada and Aba took Clara to her swim lesson while I relaxed with Baby Emmett. Clara is in love with him and insisted on giving him hugs, holding him, kissing him, petting his hair, and saying "I yuv you Baby Emmett!" It melts my heart!

On Thursday Dada stayed home from work and we relaxed. We were all still pretty tired from our long labor and took a family nap. Los Abuelos brought over dinner so it was nice not to have to cook. It was Clarita's last day of swim lessons so we all headed to the pool. Luckily it is only a couple blocks away, but it was really hot, especially with a baby strapped to me. Clara got to jump off the diving board which was pretty exciting. Emmett slept the entire time in his carrier and never made a peep!
Everyone's asleep |
except Mama... |
Friday Dada went back to work and I was a little nervous about having the two kids on my own. I decided that we needed to get out of the house in order for Clarita and my sanity so we went for a walk and braved the dry cleaners, park, and grocery store. It went well because Emmett is such a chill baby and slept in his carrier the entire time! Dada came home around 1:00 and we all took a nap. That evening was the "Peach Festival" put on by the local Catholic church. We have gone with los Tios for the past two years since Clara was a baby and decided to go again. We walked there with the three kids in tow, ate lots of peach desserts, and hung out. We happened to run into the nurse who delivered Emmett which was a random surprise. Once again the little guy was very good and slept most of the time.

Saturday was Fun Day and since I felt good we decided to go. We didn't participate in any of the games this year but had a good time hanging out and relaxing. At one point Clara was in with the grandparent babysitters and someone commented that we were crazy for not staying home and relaxing. Dada replied that this felt like relaxing since Clara wasn't running around crazy and we had a quiet moment. We also didn't have to cook or do much of anything. About as relaxing as it gets with a newborn and a two-year-old! Clarita had a ton of fun playing with the other kids and swimming and I enjoyed just relaxing and seeing friends. It was a long day but Emmett handled it like a champ! He spent a lot of time sleeping, nursing, and sleeping some more.
Popsicle! |
On Sunday we stayed home and Tia Alyssa, Tristan, and Teegee came to visit. The kids were not too impressed by Baby Emmett, but had a ton of fun playing together. At one point all three of them were in the kitchen laughing and screaming (especially Clarita and Teegee) and I realized what it would be like to have two-year-old twins and was thankful that I don't have them! Emmett of course slept and nursed and then was content to relax in Tia Alyssa's arms. Aba came over after church since she was leaving for a week in Oregon the next day. She held Emmett while Clara and I slept and Dada worked in the yard. Baby Emmett got his first sponge bath that evening and he was pretty indifferent to it. He cried a little at first and then just hung out. Clara and Dada spent the evening swimming while Emmett and I relaxed and snuggled. With a super active two-year-old I don't get to snuggle with my baby nearly as much as I would like so I relish every chance I get.

Monday was a really long day and I was exhausted by the end! We went for a walk, came home and got ready for Gymboree. I was a little nervous about going to Gymboree with both kids but didn't want Clarita to miss the last class. It turned out to be fine because Emmett is an angel baby! I left him in his car seat until he started fussing and then put him in the carrier for the rest of the session. He slept and stayed asleep on the drive to los Abuelos to drop Clara off for lunch and nap time while Emmett went to the doctor. Dada met us there and we quickly headed out with a sleeping baby in tow. I woke him up to eat when we got to In N Out for a quick lunch. He slept the rest of the way to the doctor and nursed while we waited. His first doctor appointment was a success and he officially weighed more than his birth weight at 7 pounds 14.5 ounces! Everything checked out well and he got his first vaccine, Hepatitis B. He cried when he got the shot but calmed down right away. I nursed him and he fell back asleep. We took advantage of being in Fresno to make a quick trip to Target and Emmett slept the entire time. We got back to los Abuelos and picked Clara up and he stayed asleep until we got home and he got hungry. We were gone from 10:45 AM to nearly 5:00 PM, but the little guy was such a trooper. He really is an amazing baby and we are beyond blessed to have such an easy baby (so far) for our second child! Los Tios came over in the evening to shower since their water broke, and he was content to watch the girls play and just hang out until after 9:00.
Morning snuggles |
Waiting for the doctor |
First shot |
Happy again |
On Tuesday Emmett turned a week old! We started out the morning with a four mile walk with Tia and Bay Leaf. Emmett sat in the bouncer wide awake while I showered and Clara played with the baskets of bath supplies in the bathroom. He didn't even protest when she piled a couple things on him! Dada came home for lunch and hung out with the little guy while I got a few things done. Clara took a three and a half hour nap, Emmett took a three hour nap, and I took a two and a half hour nap. It was amazing! Tia and Bay Leaf came over in the evening and we headed to National Night out at the park. We went to this last year and it was pretty boring. However, this year was much more impressive with a reptile guy, bubbles, a bounce house, and entertainment. Clara immediately headed for the bounce house followed by the reptiles and the bubbles. She was really into the 150 pound python and followed after it touching it. Bay Leaf also liked the snakes and what do you know, Baby Emmett slept the entire time in the carrier! The food wasn't too exciting (except to Clarita who ate a snow cone, hot dog, and ice cream cone) so we headed over to a burrito place down the road. Emmett continued to sleep, waking up only to nurse and then falling asleep again for the walk home. We didn't get home until nearly 9:00 PM but he was content and happy. Even little Bailey was a trooper as it was way past her bedtime. We did a quick photo shoot with the little guys for Emmett's first week while Tia took a shower since she still didn't have water. It was an eventful first week and very different from Clara's first week. I've decided that the second child has to be calm since life is much more hectic with a toddler involved. So far Baby Emmett is making our transition to two children easier than I imagined possible!
Clarita shared her favorite friends "Baby Emmett
you want my amiyos?" |
Double nursing at a restaurant in honor of National Breastfeeding
Week (and because babies need to eat) |
One Week! |
Cousins! |
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