Sunday, August 30, 2015

One Month

I'm not sure where the time has gone, but my Little Guy is a month old! He's the sweetest angel baby I could ever have asked for and is the perfect addition to our family. Baby Emmett spends the majority of the day sleeping. He generally eats every two to three hours and pees like a race horse. I have never been peed/pooped on so much! When Emmett is awake he is usually content to look around. He rarely cries unless hungry, or sometimes when he's tired or wants to be held. When he's tired and gets a little fussy he generally calms right down if he gets his chuponcito. He got hiccups all the time when I was pregnant and he still gets them often, but they don't seem to bother him. The little Snugglebuggle is a noisy baby! He constantly makes squeaks, grunts, and it often sounds like there is an animal in the room! He does this awake or asleep and Clarita says he is talking...too bad none of us speak his language!

That face...

Probably trying to drown out Clara's yelling

He got circumcised when he was two weeks old and did great. I managed to remain in the room and even watched some of the procedure. Dada watched the whole thing and can tell you each step. Emmett cried, but it was more like he was angry than in pain. He didn't cry when his doctor cut him, only when she tugged. He had gained over a pound in the two weeks since his release from the hospital so his doctor was pretty happy about that. He's my little piglet although he doesn't eat all that frequently and he's definitely not fat, just solid and strong.

All swaddled and ready to go

The torture chamber

The little Snuglebuggle loves being carried in the pouch, carrier, or propped on my shoulder like a little parrot. He loves tummy time and will often fall asleep during it. Either that or roll over which he started doing around three weeks. Clara rolled over around a month, and I keep thinking Emmett rolling over is a fluke but he continues to do it, sometimes several times in a row when I put him back on his tummy after he rolls over. He's a strong little guy and several people have commented that he does not seem like a newborn as he is very alert and not at all fragile. He lifts his head like a pro and has from day one. I think he's just trying to get strong so he can withstand all of Clarita's bonks and bops and bop her back! He had so many firsts this month...we thought Clara's first month was busy but it was nothing compared to Baby Emmett's! Luckily he goes with the flow. He and I were gone for eight hours one day and he was content to sleep, nurse, sleep some more, and look around a little...such a trooper! He had his first bottle which was not a happy experience. I didn't even think of the fact that Clara had been using level three nipples when she stopped taking bottles and they were still on the bottles. I had Dada try giving him a bottle and the poor Little Guy was choking and then screaming. I tried again the next day with the proper nipple and he gulped it down like a pro. Then Aba watched him while I took Bay Leaf and Clara to yoga and he had no problem with his bottle or being away from me. 

First trip to the zoo

First bath

First bottle

I love tummy time!

His first water polo game

It seems like we're always on the go or I'm chasing Clara and I don't get nearly enough time to snuggle with Emmett. I take every chance I get to hold him and snuggle when Clara is sleeping or playing contentedly. It's very different than when she was tiny and I was always trying to get a million things done. Now I am content to lay with the Little Guy on my chest and enjoy this stage. I know I'll miss it when it's over and it's already passing by so quickly.

Bills fans

Get me out of this basket!

Clara helping to calm him

The day I decided to see what it would be like to have three kids...

I yuv you Baby Emmett
He really is an amazingly easy going little guy and we already love him so much. He filled a hole in our hearts that we didn't even know we had!

One Week

Two Weeks

Three Weeks

Four Weeks

Emmett's Stats

Weight: 10 pounds (he's gained over 2 pounds!)
Height: 21 inches 
Head Circumference: 38 centimeters

What Emmett Wears

This week I packed up all his newborn clothes. :( He now wears 3 month pajamas and 0-3 or 3 month clothes (3 months are still a little big).

Things Emmett Loves

Mommy and Daddy, nursing, being carried in the carrier or pouch, being carried like a parrot, chuponcitos, bath time, his swing, the bouncy chair, tummy time, watching Clarita.

Things Emmett Does Not Love

He's a pretty easy going little guy but he doesn't like getting buckled into the car seat or waiting to eat and he lets it be known with Pterodactyl screams.

How Emmett Sleeps

The Snugglebuggle spends the majority of the day sleeping. He generally has a couple hours of awake time in the morning and at night and spends the rest of the day sleeping, waking up to eat, and sleeping again. Emmett generally goes to bed around 9:30 after he nurses. He gets swaddled and sleeps in the bassinet in our room. He usually wakes up around 2:00 to nurse and again between 5:15 and 5:45. He generally goes right back to sleep after nursing and having a diaper change, but sometimes needs a chuponcito if he's wide awake.


Snugglebuggle, Little Guy, Baby Emmett, Ojos Azules

Monthly Exciting Events

August 25, 2015: First church council meeting
August 24, 2015: Start using cloth diapers
August 23, 2015: First time attending church
August 21, 2015: First time away from mom (thanks Aba!)
August 20, 2015: Starts smiling purposefully
August 14, 2015: Rolls over from front to back, first trip to the cabin
August 12, 2015: Emmett gets circumcised 
August 11, 2015: First family dinner
August 8, 2015: First trip to the zoo (he slept through the entire event)
August 7, 2015: First bath (he loved it)
August 5, 2015: Umbilical stump falls off
August 3, 2015: First doctor appointment and first shot
August 2, 2015: First chuponcito and first sponge bath, meet Tristan and Teegee
August 1, 2015: First Fun Day!!!
July 30, 2015: First time in the baby carrier, first walk
July 29, 2015: Meets big sister Clara, first car ride home from the hospital, meets Baza and Spikey, meets Bay Leaf
July 28, 2015: Emmett is born at 5:37 PM

Monthly Pictures

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