Thursday, June 9, 2016

Un Dia en la Vida de Clarita y Emmett

I haven't done one of this in a while. This is from June 4, 2016 and is a pretty typical Saturday if we don't have plans and stay home (so actually pretty rare). It was a relaxing fun day!

5:36: Clara's calling for Dada. She doesn't want to come downstairs and chooses to read in her room.
6:01: Clarita is calling for Dada again. Luckily he is still home and takes her downstairs to eat cereal. Dada leaves as soon as she's situated.
6:15: Emmett's rolling around. I give up trying to sleep. Clara finishes eating and comes to find me. She says that I woke up because she was done eating. I tell her I woke up because she was yelling in her room. She plays well I make breakfast and get ready.

6:30: We brush hair, put sunscreen on, and go potty.

6:43: Emmett is fussing so we go upstairs to get him. He nurses and we do a diaper change and get dressed.

6:59: Read and get Clara dressed.
7:05: Head downstairs to finish getting ready. Clara goes potty and Emmett plays. Diaper change and Clara poops.

She was very proud of her headband

7:42: We decide to brave the heat and head out for a run.

8:24: We finish a very slow hot 4.7 miles. Meet Tia and Bailey at mile 3 and run with them to the park. We see our friends Olive and Winnie (about a month older than Clara and a month younger than Emmett) at the park. Clara excitedly exclaims to Olive that her Auntie is at the park too.

I forgot his hat but luckily Tia had a pink one!

9:00: I give the kids a snack and start walking home. We stop at a yard sale and buy a cute apron for Clara from a sweet old lady who gives us the best deal ever!

9:14: We arrive home and have a snack of fruit, yogurt, and water.

9:30: We do a diaper change and Emmett goes down for a nap.
9:40: Clara and I go outside to hang up diapers. She goes potty. It's hot so we decide to go swimming and she swims all over the pool with just her floaties.

10:41: I finally convince her to get out of the pool and we go inside for a snack of graham crackers, milk, peaches, and goldfish.

11:10: The little piggy is finally done eating and wants to paint. She paints a rainbow and it actually resembles a rainbow!

11:29: We play games. I can't remember the rules and Clara does a great job of explaining them to me.
11:45: We do a yoga video. Clara is insistent that I do it with her and almost starts crying when she thinks it is going to start before I get into the room.

12:00: We get Emmett milk from the garage freezer. Clarita chooses a popsicle for after lunch and we make lunch.
12:25: Clara and I eat lunch of grilled cheese sandwiches with peach inside and salad with cucumber and avocado and milk.  Emmett is finally stirring so I get him up. He's not wet so we go downstairs and he eats grilled cheese sandwich and avocado. Clara gets the popsicle she's been asking for all morning.

12:51: Emmett is done eating we change his diaper. He practices standing up and Clara finishes her popsicle and plays while I clean up lunch.
1:15: We read a million books. Emmett climbs all over and plays with the books.
1:45: Emmett is trying to pull my clothes off so we nurse while Clara sings for us.
1:51: He's done nursing and he literally tries to jump off of me. Diaper change and Clara goes potty. Poopoo all around.
2:00: Nap time for Clara. She throws a tantrum because she wants to read even though we just read 1 million books. We decide to read one more book, but agree there will be no Baby Signing time video later.
2:10: I'm pretty sure Clara is half asleep before I even leave the room. Emmett has some more poop so we change his diaper again. We play downstairs.

Chasing Baza

Downward dog!

2:56: I put Emmett down for a nap. Dada gets home as I get back downstairs. Emmett fusses and then plays and stands up before finally falling asleep around 3:15. I write blogs and Dada gets diapers off the line, does yard work, and gets cleaned up.

4:40: Emmett is fussing. Dada gets him up and he's not wet so they play.

4:55: They watch baby signing time and eat puffs while I start dinner.

5:18: Emmett's over Signing Time and comes to find me. We nurse.
5:31: He's done and wants to play.

He loves the cat door

5:39: After 10 minutes of the library door being open and us being very loud in the kitchen, Clara finally wakes up very unhappy. It takes five minutes for her to become happy and we go upstairs to read some books.

6:00: Head downstairs to eat. Change Emmett's diaper. Emmett refuses to eat and throws a tantrum!

6:39: Clara is finally finished eating. Clara gets ready to swim and goes potty while I clean up and Emmett crawls around.

Who doesn't play the piano naked?!

6:53: Clarita and Dada go outside to swim. Emee and I watch and quickly come back inside because it's hot! We clean up and vacuum and I wear him in the pouch so he doesn't fuss (and boy is he heavy!).

7:27: Clara finally comes inside and eats a snack of grapes, crackers, cheese, and water. Emmett eats some cheese, cracker, grilled cheese, and oatmeal with sweet potato.

I like to feed my kids on the floor

8:00: We head upstairs and get ready for bed. Brush teeth, brush hair, read books. Emmett loses it when I read to Clara and dada takes him in his room to read to him. He screams the entire time.

8:21: I nurse Emmett and do a diaper change while Clara tries (and fails) to go potty and watches a "lollipop video."

8:37: Emmett is down and immediately asleep. Clara practices her dance moves to Beyonce!

All the Single Ladies!

8:48: Clara's down!

9:27: Clara is calling for dada because there was a library book out in her room (she made him take it downstairs) and she wanted water.
5:12: Clara's calling Dada because it's day. He sleeps with her so she'll go back to sleep.
7:00: Both kids are awake and we repeat.