Sunday, June 5, 2016

Josh and Rachel's Wedding

Memorial Day weekend we headed to San Diego for Josh and Rachel's wedding. Luckily Mikaela was sweet and offered to watch the kids while we went to the wedding so we were able to bring them along! Having them with us meant that we missed out on a lot of the wedding festivities like the beach clean up and rehearsal dinner, but we had tons of fun with Mikaela and Zac. The trip down wasn't too bad considering we left at noon the Friday of Memorial Day weekend. We stopped twice for about an hour each (including a stop at the most ghetto Target ever where I nursed Emmett on some patio furniture) and ate at Red Robin which Clara has been requesting for quite some time. Emmett was obsessed with eating my mushrooms so that made me happy since they are my favorite food and Clarita hates them! We got to Oceanside around 8:30 which made for an eight hour trip with two hours of stops, so six hours. We played a little before putting the kids to bed and then stayed up super late catching up with Mikaela and Zac.

Chillin' at Red Robin
Saturday we went to the beach since Clara had been obsessed with the beach all week and cried the day before when we told her we were going to get there too late to go that night. She was really excited about her "princess swimsuit" (it had a tutu) and insisted on playing in the waves with Mikaela. Mikaela indulged her and they played until Clarita turned blue and was shaking. Then they took breaks to warm up and headed back to the ocean again! Emmett crawled all over playing in the sand and, of course, shoveling handfuls into his mouth. He kept taking off towards the ocean...I think he wanted to play in the waves too! We had lunch at the beach, Clara played on the playground, and then we headed back for naps. Both kids took phenomenal naps, woke up took baths, and were ready for dinner. 

Zac made delicious fajitas and margaritas and we had a fabulous dinner. Both kids were in love with their dog, Duke. Clara actually played really well with him this time and didn't scream and hide. Emmett followed him around and squealed when Duke licked him or knocked him over. We even got to take Duke on a walk which Clarita loved!

Teaching Mikaela about lollipop videos
We all slept well Saturday night, but Emmett woke up at 5:30 when Dada was getting ready for his bike ride. I nursed him and hoped he would go back to sleep. He rolled around and finally pooped. I changed him and he finally fell asleep around 6:15. Luckily he slept until 8:00 so I could get some much needed rest. Clarita woke up at 8:30 and we ate and headed to the beach with Mikaela. The kids had fun playing at the playground and then we walked along the beach. There were dead crabs everywhere and Clara got really scared. She was convinced they were going to pinch her and insisted that Mikaela carry her. Needless to say, we didn't stay there long. We headed back to Mikaela's and got there right as Dada did. We got ready, put the kids down for naps and headed to the wedding.

The kids had tons of fun with Mikaela and Zac. They both took super long naps and then they went to a park and played. The park had a little train which Clarita was obsessed with. They had a great dinner, played with Duke, and went to bed without a fuss. Thanks Mikaela and Zac!

It was an absolutely gorgeous wedding! The weather was perfect, the scenery was beautiful, and it was so much fun! We had never been to a Jewish wedding before and it was terrific! Rachel looked beautiful and Josh was quite dapper. We reunited with our friend Matt (aka New York) from Peace Corps, caught up with Josh's family whom we hadn't seen since before Clara was born, and met quite a few awesome people. Josh and Rachel were both in the Peace Corps at the same time, but he was in Honduras and she was in Ukraine. Therefore there were a lot of Peace Corps references and everyone kept asking us for stories about Peace Corps (and we had a million good ones about Josh). Highlights of the night included all of the speeches, the dances (especially when they lifted people up in the chairs), taking shots of Flor de Cana (honduran rum) with the bride and groom, and the ice cream sandwiches! We had so much fun that we were convinced to go to the after party where we danced some more, hung out with Josh and Rachel, and had a great time! We used Lyft for the first time and it was super easy and convenient. 

California and New York!


The ladies of Peace Corps

Peace Corps!

The Lazarus men

We ended up getting back to Mikaela and Zac's around midnight. Of course Emmett woke up when we came in and cried until I nursed him (hopefully I pumped all the alcohol out). He then went back to sleep but woke up again at 6:00 and didn't want to go back to sleep. Clara also woke up early, but thankfully Kevin took them to play while I slept a little. We ate breakfast, got ready, and headed out around 10:30. Both kids fell asleep immediately. Clara slept for an hour and a half and Emmett for two hours. We stopped twice, once to eat and once to nurse and go poopoo. At one point Clarita was screaming because she wanted to listen to her music and I refused because I was going to go insane if I had to listen to little kids singing one more time, Emmett was screaming because he was starving, and Kevin was pretending to scream because he didn't want to drive anymore. It was definitely not the highlight of the trip, but it was short lived and the rest was uneventful. Traffic wasn't too bad for a holiday weekend and we made it home by 5:00 and were all happy to get out of the car. It was another great weekend spent with people we love and don't get to see nearly enough!

Traveling is exhausting

He's happy as long as he's eating!

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