Saturday, June 4, 2016

10 Months

This Little Guy has me wrapped around his finger. Before we found out we were having a boy, I was convinced I was having (and really wanted) a girl. I couldn't imagine having a boy, but now that I have one, I can't imagine anything else! Emmett is the sweetest baby and loves snuggles and cuddles. When I get home from work he crawls to me as fast as he can, grabs my legs to stand up, and give me kisses all over my face as soon as I scoop him up! I am the only person he kisses so I take it that means he loves me the most! If I don't pick him up right away he follows me crying. 

Emmett has finally figured out how to move! He had been scooting and rolling all over, but finally figured out how to crawl. He still doesn't crawl "normal" but sticks one leg out like it's a peg leg! He's pretty fast and is into everything. Buggle also loves to stand up and walk around furniture. He really wants to walk, but is not even close to ready.

Getting allergy shots (Clara gave him a headband but he pulled it off)

More toys please!

Practicing for the future

Just drinking some gasoline!

Although Emmett is still pretty happy and easygoing, he has definitely developed a temper and gets angry if things are taken away from him, or he isn't fed right away. He will scream and burst into tears, especially when Clara takes something from him. He is also stubborn and once he decides he wants something, he is very persistent in trying to get it.

Purple paint is yummy!

Emmett is definitely not a night owl like Clarita. He would prefer to go to sleep by 7:30, but that just doesn't fit into our schedule so he has to wait until 8:00 or 8:30. He is usually a trooper (especially if we give him food), but sometimes turns into a whiny monster (who can blame him). He's not super great at sleeping around lots of people and generally wakes up once we get somewhere. He almost never falls asleep in the stroller. That being said, he is still a super flexible baby who can take short naps on the go and still be pretty happy. 

Watching Emily's swim meet

He loved Josh

The Little Guy loves animals and squeals every time he sees the cats. He chases them around trying to grab them. He's actually pretty gentle with them and likes to pet them, but doesn't grab their tails. He also likes dogs and squeals when his face gets licked! 

Shoes! It only took a million tries to get them on...

Emmett loves Clara and she can almost always get him to smile. She comes running when he cries and always tries to hold him. He's a trooper and lets her push and pull him around. He likes to chase after her and Bailey and I think he can't wait until he can run along with them!

Bayleaf's belly makes a good pillow!

Food is one of Buggle's favorite things and he shovels it in! The boy can eat, I mean he didn't get to 21 pounds by refusing food! He isn't very picky, except that he still wants nothing to do with baby food. I generally give him whatever we are eating for dinner. Fruit and cheese are his favorites and he will eat his body weight in them. Vegetables are not his favorites and those are what he generally throws on the floor. Clara never did that, but Emmett will look at me with a mischievous grin and literally throws his food behind him. He's not as into milk as he used to be (which is a pity because I have a whole freezer full). He will generally drink a few ounces during the day, but has had several days where he didn't take a bottle while I was at work. If I'm home he still likes to nurse. Maybe it's time for cups.


This is how I occupy them while I get ready in the
morning...Clara now dumps food on the floor for him!

We eat on the floor a lot...

Emmett really is a joy and I'm pretty obsessed with my sweet Little Guy!

41 Weeks 
42 Weeks

43 Weeks

44 Weeks

Emmett's Stats
Weight: 21 pounds
Height: 28.5 inches 
Head Circumference: 18.25 inches 

What Emmett Wears
He's pretty much in 12 or 12-18 month clothes. 12 months are getting tight. Pajamas are 12 months.

Things Emmett Loves
Mama and Daddy (especially Mama), nursing, being carried in the carrier, Clarita and Bailey, putting everything in his mouth, looking at the cute baby in the mirror, playing with his toys, being a baby airplane, people in general, spitting, splurping, jumping, standing up, crawling and trying to walk, eating, screeching, the cats, going for walks in the stroller, swinging, Gymboree.

Things Emmett Does Not Love
Waiting to eat, being overtired, having his face/nose wiped, having things taken away from him, being laid/sat down when he wants to sit or stand, seeing Mama walk away, being set down when he is hungry or tired, baths (especially getting water on his face).

Emmett has tried, banana, peas, sweet potato, avocado, beet, cheese, carrot, plum, peach, puffs, yogurt puffs, Mum Mums, Cheerios, oatmeal, applesauce, chia, bread, biscuit, cornbread, beans, blueberry, raspberry, peanut butter, tofu, egg, pear, chia bar, hamburger, grilled cheese, zucchini, potato, pasta, sausage, pancakes, blackberries, peach, creamies, goldfish, quesadilla, veggie burger (he liked it more than hamburger!), spinach, mushrooms, pineapple, yogurt, apple, graham crackers. 

How Emmett Sleeps
Emmett is a great sleeper. He goes to bed between 8:00 and 8:30 and sleeps until around 6:30. When he wakes up in the morning he is content to play and sing in his crib until I come up to feed him. Emmett generally takes two naps one around 9:00 and one between 1:00 to 2:00. The vary between one and a half to three hours. The Little Guy continues to be super flexible and sleep on the go. If his naps get disrupted he is generally content. He sleeps in his crib with a sleep sack and a million animals that he likes to play with when he wakes up. He generally sleeps on his stomach.

Snugglebuggle/Buggle, Little Guy, Baby Emmett/Baby, Chunko, Baby Bug, Buddy, Emee, Brudder

Monthly Exciting Events
April 30, 2016: First time swimming (he loved it)
May 7, 2016: First time running in the stroller
May 15, 2016: Starts crawling
May 21, 2016: First race

Monthly Pictures

He won't sit still...

Oh my!

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