Friday, October 28, 2016

Two Fiestas and a Fair

A couple of weeks ago we had another fun filled weekend! We started off with a trip to the Reedley Fiesta, their annual celebration. Dada ran the race early in the morning and the kids and I met him later. We brought Bayleaf along so Tia could get some errands done. We watched the parade with Tia Alyssa, Tio Rene, Tristan, Teagan and Tio Rene's family. Emmett absolutely loved the parade and wanted to join it! It was hard to get him to sit still! Clara and Teegee also loved the parade and ran around collecting candy. Bailey was terrified of the parade and kept signing and saying, "scary!" She would hug Clara, and jumped into both mine and Kevin's laps burying her face in us! She wasn't, however, scared of the giant bounce house slide we hit up after the parade! Emmett took a nap in the carrier while the three girls braved the bounce house land. Clara and Teagan wanted to go on the giant slide and I wasn't sure if Bayleaf was big enough but she wanted to so we let her. It took little Bailey a long time to get up but Clarita waited for her at the top and held her hand to go down. Bayleaf immediately flipped onto her stomach and looked scared, but she went again! Teagan went a million times, but I was surprised that Clara waited for Bailey at the top both times and helped her slide down! We then got kettle corn and lunch (hot dogs for the kids which they inhaled! We ran into lots of friends along the way and were exhausted by the time we were done. Clara refused to hold Dada's hand while crossing the street and while trying to grab her he dropped the giant bag of kettle corn and it exploded all over the street. Clara cried and hopefully learned to behave better (I'm not holding my breath). All of the kids were exhausted when we got home and took long naps!

Joining the parade


It's a long way up...

She did it!

Waiting for Dada to finish (and win) the rowing competition

On Sunday we headed to Ryland's fourth birthday party. Charlyse throws some awesome parties and this was no exception! It was pirate themed complete with costumes Charlyse made for all the kids, a treasure hunt (we had to walk the plank), a pirate who read a story and led the treasure hunt, face painters and balloon animal makers, and a giant pirate ship! Clara had a ton of fun playing with all her friends and Emmett was obsessed with a blow up alligator that was part of the treasure hunt. He literally drug it around for the rest of the night. It was a great evening spent with friends and family and we had so much fun celebrating Ryland!

Pirata Clarita

All the little pirates

Finding buried treasure

Lyla and Emmett

The birthday boy

Emmett loved the green cupcake!

Walking the plank

Ring toss

His prized possession

Serena got thirsty

I had Monday off (because who doesn't get Columbus day off but not Veteran's Day or the day after Thanksgiving) but it was the day my clients could get into the fair for free and I was meeting a co-worker there to get them in. We decided to make a day of it and Dada took the day off and we brought the ninos. We had a great time! Emmett spent a lot of it in the carrier (and even took a nap) because it was impossible to corral him if he was out. Clara liked the exhibits and both kids liked the animals. Emmett literally squealed with delight when he saw them and we even got to pet a camel! The kids had a foot long corn dog (Clara ate almost the entire hotdog and Emmett ate the outside) and we all had cinnamon rolls. I didn't think Clarita would eat much cinnamon roll so I decided to share one with her. Clara ate almost my entire cinnamon roll - last time I make that mistake! We were all tired after the fair, but I was the only one who fell asleep on the way home...I blame carrying an extra 22 pounds on my back for four and a half hours! 

Milking a cow!


Craziest pumpkins I've ever seen!

Such a big boy!

Cinnamon roll!

Sunday, October 23, 2016


We got to celebrate the marriage of Biffy and Kevin on September 30, 2016. The wedding was on Catalina Island and it was our first time leaving the kids behind and going on vacation! Aba and the kids had a blast and we enjoyed three kid free days! We had a great time, but by the end we were ready to get home and see the kids.

The wedding was absolutely beautiful! Biffy was gorgeous and it was a very intimate wedding so we actually got to spend time with everyone. Biffy is like a little sister to us and Kevin is awesome! We are so happy for them and loved sharing in their special day. Highlights of the wedding included the rings being forgotten in the hotel so they had to borrow rings for the ceremony, Kevin (Parkinson) giving up his flip flops for barefoot Biffy, Biffy's sister, Lindsey's, speech, and Lindsey and I dancing the night away (I have never seen so few people dance at a wedding).

Dessert stop on the way to the wedding

Jill blowing the horn

Max was not into being a ring bearer (maybe he was
trying to tell us he forgot the rings)!

Jill trying to find the rings

First dessert in months!

Kevin squared

Dancing queens

We also got to catch up with some Peace Corps friends, go on runs together (although Catalina is not a fun place for running as it is so hilly), eat lots of great food, and relax. Highlights of the trip included the wedding (duh), seeing buffalo (on a tour and while running), scuba diving in the kelp forest (a fish bit me), and beautiful views from our morning runs. 

Airport at the top of the island

Our "safari" bus

In Avalon you drive your golf cart to school

First time diving in 4.5 years!

There were deer everywhere, even on the golf course!

Part of our obstacle course run
4.5 mils uphill = dying

We ran up that giant mountain!

On the ferry back we came upon a group of orcas and the ferry stopped for a good 15 minutes while we watched them was awesome! We had lunch with another Peace Corps friend, Wes, and his family before heading home. 


The kids were happy to see us, but I don't think they missed us too much. When we FaceTimed Clara told us about all the fun things she did and Emmett just laughed and shook his head no. Aba made sure the weekend was fun and took the kids to get pizza, ice cream, to the park, and she and Clarita watched a movie each day (Frozen, Cinderella, and Finding Nemo). Clara never watches movies and said that was her favorite part. The kids also enjoyed playing with los Tios and Bayleaf while Aba volunteered handing out food, and went to the pet blessing ceremony at church where Conejo received a blessing (Clara didn't want to bring any of her animals). It was a successful first time away from the kids and we all survived (I think Aba was exhausted by the end)! We're so lucky to have such great family to take care of our kids when we are gone!