Wednesday, October 12, 2016

14 Months

I don't know how it's possible, but Emmett seems like he has more energy each day! He is constantly in motion and doesn't let anything slow him down. If something is in his way he goes through it! One day Bayleaf was in his way in church so he grabbed her from behind and threw her out of the way! I think he may be a linebacker! He may also be more stubborn than Clara and Bailey combined (quite a feat) and gets so angry when he doesn't get what he wants. That is pretty much the only time he cries and he screams! 

Helping make brownies

He thinks he's a big boy

Emmett is Mr. Independent and wants to do everything himself. He puts his arms in his shirts, takes his pants off, and tries to put his shoes on. He loves to go outside and constantly brings us his shoes much like a dog brings his leash. If he hears us talk about going outside he runs over with his shoes signing outside. He still loves hats and balls and has also added a stuffed bunny, Conejo, to his list of favorites. Fafa got it for him before he was born and the Little Guy drags that bunny all over! He cries if it is out of his reach and even nurses with it in the morning (no small feat because that thing is almost as big as him) because he won't let it go. If you ask him what Conejo says he scrunches up his nose and tries to sniff...basically the cutest thing I've ever seen!

He loves this dog at church

Buggle still doesn't talk much but has started signing more. He signs please vigorously when he wants something, but then gets frustrated because he can't tell us what he wants. He is starting to learn animal sounds and has dog, cat, sheep, and bunny down fairly well. He doesn't grunt as much and now babbles in his own language. Clarita constantly says that she heard Emmett say words but I think it is wishful thinking on her part. 

Tristan is such as good helper!

They watch Dada leave after lunch

Emee is still a little love bug and likes to snuggle. He loves to give hugs and be carried. He has finally started to love reading and now brings us books to read and then plops down in our lap. He will bring book after book and gets mad if we have to stop. Emmett still doesn't have a very long attention span and can't handle more than a short board book. He also likes to read to himself and loves to carry around a book with a picture of a ball on the front. He shows it to everyone saying, "ba ba."

Emmett also loves to eat and he and Bailey often fight over food, especially goldfish. He loves his water bottles and often falls asleep hugging them! Emmett is starting to realize which things are his and gets upset if Bailey or Clara (especially Bailey) use them. He all of a sudden decides that he needs whatever they want and cries if he doesn't get it. He despises being told no and bursts into tears if anyone tells him no in a stern voice. 

He went poop and pee in the toilet!

This month los Abuelos were out of town for a couple of weeks and Aba had to go out of town unexpectedly for a funeral so we had to scramble to find people to watch the kids. Luckily we were each able to stay home a couple of days, and I actually worked from home one day and was pretty successful even with Emmett not taking a morning nap. We are also lucky to have great friends willing to help out. We had several friends offer to watch the kids, and it worked out for Sarah to watch them one day with Nona (Reed and Kieran's grandma) watching Emmett and Kieran while Clara and Reed were at school. They had so much fun with Sarah, Nona, and the boys and Kieran has requested that Emmett come back! We also had a friend recommend a babysitter and she watched the kids one day. It was the first time we have hired a babysitter or had anyone watch the kids that we didn't know and was a little weird leaving Emmett with her in the morning. However, both kids did great and had fun! We are so lucky to have so much help!

Three out of four sleeping at the same time!

Buggle is turning into such a little boy and is getting more and more fun each day. I love watching him and Clara play and seeing how much they genuinely love each other!

Emmett's Stats
Weight: 22 pounds 
Height: 31 inches 
Head Circumference: 18.5 inches 

What Emmett Wears
12 to 18 and 18 month clothes. Shoes are a size 4.

Things Emmett Loves
Mama and Daddy (especially Mama), nursing, being carried in the carrier, Clarita and Bailey, playing with his toys, being a baby airplane, people in general, spitting, splurping, eating, the cats, going for walks in the stroller, swinging, Gymboree, baths, being outside, climbing, balls, running, hats, trying to jump, dancing, eating.

Things Emmett Does Not Love
Waiting to eat, having his face/nose wiped, having things taken away from him, seeing Mama walk away, being set down when he is hungry or tired, having his diaper changed, being held when he wants to walk, and being told no.

This boy loves to eat. His favorites are grapes, strawberries, goldfish, and pasta. He is not a big meat fan except for hot dogs and sausage, loves all fruit, carbs, snacks, and is hit or miss with veggies.

He signs more, eat, sleep, water, hat, please, thank you, baby, all done, outside, dog, cat, fish, horse, ball, train, drink, brush teeth.

Emmett says Mama, Dada (ocassionally), ma (mas), awa (agua), cl (clara), one day while watching Signing Time said sku after she said skunk, up, dow (down), a a (hat), ba ba (ball), buh ba (bye bye).

How Emmett Sleeps
He generally goes to bed between 8:30 and 9:00 and wakes up between 6:30 and 7:00. He still needs two naps, but due to our busy life and Clara and Bailey's schedules this often doesn't happen. He's super flexible and will either 2, 1.5 hour naps or 1, 3 hour nap. He sleeps in his crib with a sleep sack, his water bottle, and a million animals that he likes to play with when he wakes up. Conejo is his favorite that he usually snuggles with. He generally sleeps on his stomach. 

Four- both bottom front and both top front

Snugglebuggle/Buggle, Little Guy, Baby Emmett/Baby, Baby Bug, Buddy, Emee, Brudder

Monthly Exciting Events
September 4, 2016: First time coloring
September 23, 2016: First paid babysitter
September 27, 2016: First time going pee and poo in the potty (Dada is the potty whisperer)

Monthly Pictures

After diving headfirst out of his chair he now has to take
pictures on the floor!

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