Monday, October 10, 2016

Lo Que Dice Clarita Verano 2016

This little girl never stops talking...seriously. She will wake up in the middle of the night needing to go potty and she talks a mile a minute even though she is half asleep! If she's not talking she's singing. Songs she knows and songs she makes up. She has also been interested in learning more languages lately and asked me to teach her French and Chinese. I taught her the 10 words of French I knew and she now talks gibberish and says it's "Frances or Chino." 

Clarita has been speaking more in Spanish and actually conjugates words now. I can tell she still translates a lot of things from Spanish to English before saying them because they come out funny since you can't translate everything literally. She also says things like "I'm getting big am I?" "It's funny is it?" and "I like it do I?" instead of using aren't, isn't, and don't. 

Her vocabulary is quite extensive and most people think that she is older because of how much/well she speaks. She has learned bargaining and does it all the time. She also always tries to find loopholes and ways to get what she wants. Clara loves the words actually and very right now and uses them all the time. She is a funny little girl and constantly cracks us up with her expressions and declarations.

"No I'll just swim and I'll stay my pee in my butt!" (When I asked her if she needed to go potty while swimming)

Dada while driving and Clara was talking nonstop: "Clara teach Baby Emmett how to talk." Clara paused for one second and yelled: "Coconut Baby Emmett!" (Of all the words to teach him...)

"Because they're fabuleeus and I wear them all the time!"

Me:"Clara what would you rather have me working so I can make money to buy you lots of things or me staying at home with you every day?" Clara: "Money to buy me things." (After she had just told me that she didn't want me to go to work).

Tia: "I should buy a stool." (As Clara was climbing onto the potty) Clara: "Or you could just order one on Amazon."

Clara: "I want you to drink cerveza Dada." Me: "Why?" Clara: "So he can't drive." (At least she knows you can't drink and drive!)

"I like that girl. She's cuter than the other ones." (We may be raising a vain child.)

"They have helmets but they're not like the ones on the motocicletas (motorcycles)". (Talking about bike helmets)

"Que sequia. I'm not gonna masticar agua." (Not funny unless you speak Spanish. She said "What a drought. I'm not gonna chew (masticar) water (instead of malgastar - waste). 

"I'll carry them to Tios house." (Instead of take she says carry which is what it translates to in Spanish).

"That's just how life goes Emmett." (When he cried because I took the pouch he was squirting all over his car seat.) 

Me: "Who's your favorite Tia?" Clara: "Tia, Bailey's mom Tia." Me: "Why?" Clara: "Because she has long hair that gets tangled!"

"Baby Emmett I'm making milk for you!" (As she holds breast pump to her nipple)

"It's not real nice to fire your workers. If they be bad you should touch them and say no no no." (After she heard me talking about having to fire someone. I like her way better.)

"Even you can't carry my kitchen to the sotano (basement). It's too big." (In response to me threatening to put all her toys in the basement.) 

"It's sad for you that Dada's not gonna sleep with you. You can sleep with one of my animals if you want. Just choose whichever one you want." (When Dada was sleeping in the tent with her.)

"Dada why do you have white in your eyebrow? It's in your hair too. I think you're turning into a grandpa. Mama's turning into a grandma too!"

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