Sunday, September 25, 2016

Clara's First Day of Preschool

Clara went to the summer session of preschool, but it was more like daycare. We wanted her to get used to it and she got to be in the same class as Reed and Connor so it helped her to get acclimated. She never once cried and had so much fun. Unfortunately, all of her friends are going to preschool Tuesday Thursday and she is Monday Wednesday Friday. She was very disappointed about this. The first day consisted of a parent meeting while the kids played outside. We then reunited and hung out in the classroom for a little while before heading home. Clara picked out her own outfit complete with sun glasses! I had told Clara that we would be going with her and forgot to mention that she couldn't come to the meeting with us. This meant that she started screaming and crying when we dropped us off yelling that it was family day. The teachers were surprised as she had never cried before. Once we were reunited she was in a bad mood and did not want to take pictures. After we left I told her we could get ice cream forgetting that nothing was open that early. Luckily the panaderia had ice cream sandwiches which she happily shared with Bailey when I dropped her off.


On the first actual day of preschool I dropped Clara off and she didn't cry at all. She didn't really want to take a picture with the little setup, but finally obliged me. She said that she has made friends and the teachers said that after the first couple of days she started warming up and talking a lot more. I can't believe that she is already in preschool, it seems like just yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital...

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