Monday, September 12, 2016

Mountain Fun

Last weekend we headed up to the cabin for a night to get away from the heat and relax. We left Saturday around 1:00 after Dada got back from his bike ride. The kids did not sleep on the way there so I figured they would take naps once we arrived...wrong! Everyone else went to a concert and I stayed with the kids. Emmett screamed for at least 20 minutes before I finally went up and got him. Of course Clara did not sleep while he was screaming. I rocked him and tried again and he continued to scream like he was being murdered (I'm assuming he knew that the crib at the cabin is a million years old and doesn't meet any safety standards and didn't want to risk his life sleeping in it). I finally took him downstairs with me hoping he would sleep on me. It worked and he fell asleep but Clara got jealous and started screaming which woke him up. After a discussion with Clara about her behavior and the toys that would be going in the basement as a result, we gave up on nap time. We found the dog that los Abuelos friends, Rick and Denise, had left in a cage on the porch and Clara insisted that we take her for a walk. Queenie was a great dog and let Clara walk her all around Wilsonia. Clara has now decided that we should take our cats on walks with leashes. We put Queenie back and headed to the store to buy some milk. Emmett finally fell asleep right before we got back. Everyone else was home and as soon as Dada took Emmett out and tried to put him to sleep in the crib, he woke up and started screaming again. We had a delicious dinner and enjoyed good company. Rick and Denise and Queenie left and we got the kids ready for bed. Luckily they were so tired that Emmett only screamed a little and Clara not at all before falling asleep.

It was a terrible night with both kids waking up several times (the downfall of sleeping in the same room is that everyone wakes up anytime anyone wakes up). I finally put Emmett in bed with me and Dada slept on the bed across from Clara and everyone slept for a couple of hours. This was the first time that Emmett has ever slept with one of us and I hope it does not become a common occurrence. We had blueberry pancakes for breakfast and then I put Emmett down for a nap while Dada and I headed out for a run and Clara played with Abuela Sheri. This was our first time running together in ages and was nice for a change (despite the elevation and hills). Emmett didn't even sleep an hour, but Clara had so much fun that she suggested that we go for another run! She ran up an down the hill by the cabin and never even seemed winded! We had lunch and then headed to the big trees since it had been awhile since we had been there. Clara didn't remember them but was very impressed. She especially loved the old cabin and the tree you can walk through. Emmett pointed to all the trees and insisted on running down the trail. Needless to say he fell and smacked his face. That did not deter him and he screamed and fought when I tried to carry him. Boy that kid is strong! Both kids really liked the benches made from fallen trees. Emmett refused to get off and kept running back after I set him on the ground a few feet away. 

We headed back to the cabin for naps and both kids actually slept well. Clara slept two hours and Emmett slept over three. I guess they were exhausted! After dinner we packed up and headed home. Clara was very sad that we had to leave because she loves the cabin. The trip home included screaming from both kids which is always fun. Luckily it was short lived and towards the end of the trip. The cabin was just so fun that nobody wanted to leave!

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