Saturday, September 17, 2016

13 Months

Boy has Emmett developed a strong willed personality. The problem is that he really wants to be three and do everything that Clara does. He doesn't understand that he is smaller than her and not capable of doing all the same things. That makes him really frustrated which he lets it be known by screaming and throwing little tantrums. He stomps his little feet and throws himself on the ground! It's actually kind of funny, but I'm hoping short lived as I can't handle another Clarita (aka baby Shannon). He's super independent and insists on doing things himself. Like feeding himself with a spoon even though he's not quite ready. Dinner time is not my least favorite activity of the day because Clara refuses to eat and takes an hour and Emmett throws everything on the ground, screams if he doesn't get to feed himself, and just makes the biggest mess possible. I keep reminding myself that this stage will pass and that I just need to relax and clean up the mess when it's far I'm not too good at it.

Clara took her hat that I stole and I'm mad!

Buggle is all boy. I never really believed how different boys and girls were until I had one of each. Emmett loves to hit and smash things. He uses brute force to push his way throw anything that is in his way rather than walk around. He throws things and rips things, things Clara never did. Emmett is getting pretty good at holding his own with the girls, and I think he will be pushing them around soon! Climbing is his new favorite thing and he climbs EVERYTHING. He has a special scream to let us know when he has summited something so we can all admire his prowess. He has climbed onto the kid table, the couch, any box he can get onto, the toilet, the stools, Clara's bed, chairs, he even tried to climb the cabinets and screamed when he couldn't...if he can climb it he will. I have now decided that the world is a death trap for Emmett and we can therefore not leave the house since it is the safest (and I use that term loosely since he can make anything dangerous) place and I can keep some of my sanity there. 

Emee has developed an obsession for balls and hats. The first thing he signs (and thing he signs most consistently) in the morning when he gets downstairs is hat. He always needs at least one hat on, and has decided that the more, the merrier. I think five hats is his limit so far. He points at every hat he sees says, "aa aa" and signs hat. He then grabs them (or screams if you don't let him) and either puts it on his head or on your head. He also yells "baa baa" every time he sees a ball and has to hold it. He throws them, kicks them, rolls them, anything he can do. The Little Guy has also developed an obsession with jumping. Although he can't actually jump yet, he tries any chance he gets! It is really cute because he squats down and then pops up. Or he lifts one foot and then the other really quickly. If you ask him to jump he tries and I laugh everytime. I predict that he will get the hang of it soon.

Although Emmett is definitely stubborn and opinionated, he continues to be pretty happy. Strangers are constantly commenting on how happy he is, to the point that Clarita often says, "you're just a happy little guy Emee!" He still smiles at everyone, especially ladies, and charms them with his blue eyes. As active as he is, he still loves to snuggle and we snuggle every night before I put him to bed! He gives me kisses all the time, and now kisses (aka bites) his stuffed animals' noses. He will also give kisses to Clara and Bailey when prompted or if they kiss him. He blows kisses too which is unbelievably cute! Emee started waving and he waves to everything including Signing Time when it ends. He has learned to shake his head no and does so vigorously when we ask him to do or eat something he doesn't like. He got his hair cut for the first time at a professional place and it should have been a disaster but the lady was amazing. He stood up in the car, he tried to jump out of the car, it ended with me holding him airplane style while he squirmed and she walked around him trying to cut everything!


Tiny curls


Clara has always loved to read, but Emmett has not. He does not have the attention span and usually wriggles of our laps after a few pages. This month he finally started to like reading! He only likes certain books (generally with something he can push, pull, or put his finger in), but will bring me books and say "up up." He definitely has favorites and looks at the books on his shelf, putting back ones he does not want and choosing the ones he likes. I am hoping he will someday love reading as much as the rest of us!

All in all this Little Guy continues to bring us so much joy. He keeps us on our toes and we never know what to expect, but he is so much fun!

Emmett's Stats
Weight: 21.6 pounds 
Height: 31 inches 
Head Circumference: 18.25 inches 

What Emmett Wears
12 to 18 and 18 month clothes. Shoes are a size 4.

Things Emmett Loves
Mama and Daddy (especially Mama), nursing, being carried in the carrier, Clarita and Bailey, putting everything in his mouth, playing with his toys, being a baby airplane, people in general, spitting, splurping, eating, screeching, the cats, going for walks in the stroller, swinging, Gymboree, swimming/playing with water, bath time, being outside, climbing, balls, running, hats, trying to jump.

Things Emmett Does Not Love
Waiting to eat, having his face/nose wiped, having things taken away from him, seeing Mama walk away, being set down when he is hungry or tired, having his diaper changed, being held when he wants to walk.

He eats most things, as long as they are not cut up. If I try to give him something cut up and he sees the whole piece or knows it is not a whole, he refuses to eat it. If I give him the whole he gobbles it up! Meat is not his favorite, but he loves most carbs (must be like his mama), fruit, and cheese. Grapes are his favorite right now and he screams whenever he sees them and is not eating them.

This month he has really started to become interested in signing. Perhaps her realized that he can communicate better with signs than pointing and grunting! He signs more, eat, sleep, water, hat, please, thank you, baby, all done.

Emmett started trying to talk more this month too. He says Mama, Dada (ocassionally), ma (mas), awa (agua), cl (clara), one day while watching Signing Time said sku after she said skunk, up, dow (down), a a (hat), ba ba (ball) buh ba (bye bye).

How Emmett Sleeps
He generally goes to bed between 8:30 and 9:00 and wakes up between 6:30 and 7:00 (sometimes not until after 8:00 on the weekends). He takes 2 naps that vary between 1.5 to 3 hours, 1 around 10:00 and another between 2:00 and 3:00. He sleeps in his crib with a sleep sack and a million animals that he likes to play with when he wakes up and slam into the sides before he goes to sleep. He generally sleeps on his stomach. 

Two - both bottom front

Snugglebuggle/Buggle, Little Guy, Baby Emmett/Baby, Chunko, Baby Bug, Buddy, Emee, Brudder

Monthly Exciting Events
August 5, 2016: First cake (he loved it the second try)
August 13, 2016: First time on a big trampoline
August 18, 2016: Switch to a big boy car seat
August 20, 2016: First professional haircut

Monthly Pictures

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