Monday, September 12, 2016

A Weekend of Fun

I'm super behind in blogs. The weekend of August 12 we had a super fun filled weekend beginning with a trip to watch the Fresno Grizzlies, a Minor League baseball team. Abe, los Tios and Bayleaf, and Tio Robert and Tia Erika joined us and we had a great night (despite starting off with a terrible tantrum from Clarita at dinner because she wanted milk and they did not have milk). Clara loved Parker, the bear mascot, and was especially excited when "baby Parkers" (aka kids in Parker costumes) came onto the field. Emmett and Bailey enjoyed running up and down the aisle and eating all the snacks we could find. We decided that the kids are still too little to really enjoy baseball, especially night games that don't start until 7:00. That being said, they all did pretty well considering we left well past bedtime!

The Hailes didn't make it in time for the game, but arrived in Kingsburg late Friday night. Clara was really excited about Hadley coming to visit and set up an air mattress in her room. When she went to bed she said how excited she was going to be to see Hadley in her room in the morning. Hadley went right to bed without a peep and Clarita didn't even wake up. In the morning they woke up and played together in Clara's room for quite some time until they decided to go into Emmett's room. He started crying as soon as they stopped playing with him and I had to go up. I was impressed with their ability to play quietly by themselves though! We swam in the morning and then convinced the girls that they needed to go to bed early because we were going to Tristan's birthday party. I wasn't sure how them napping together would go, but they both fell asleep and slept for over an hour (not as long as I wanted).

We headed to Tristan's party at an indoor trampoline place. I had never been to one before and it was awesome! I want to go back without kids so I can really have fun! Clara was a little daredevil which surprised me. She jumped off high things and even jumped off a swing. Teegee did the same. Hadley enjoyed jumping on the different trampolines. Emmett was really too little but really wanted to do what the big kids were doing. We tried leaving him with Fafa but he just screamed. He liked me jumping with him and playing in the foam blocks. The adults went on "Ninja Warrior" courses and had a great time. By the end Clara and Hadley were both super tired and fussy. We ate some pizza and cupcakes and headed to REI to pick up a few things. REI is the best store for little kids because they have everything from backpacks to tents to bikes. The girls had fun and Emmett slept for awhile since he missed his afternoon nap. We headed home for bathtime and bedtime for the tired kids while the adults caught up.

Sunday Hadley woke up and let herself out of Clara's room without waking Clara up! We had breakfast and the girls played before the Hailes headed out to Yosemite. Clara said that she was "so sad that Hadley doesn't live with us." I think that's a sign that she had a fun weekend!

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