Sunday, September 18, 2016

Life of a Big Sister

I haven't written one of these in awhile and Clarita continues to be a fantastic big sister! Although she sometimes doesn't want to share or gets mad at Emmett for knocking over her toys, overall she is really great with him. She spontaneously shares her toys and will often trade him toys if he has something she wants. Clara always wants to make sure that Emmett is coming places with us and gets very upset if she thinks we are leaving him behind or someone else is taking him. She always tells him that she loves him and gives him lots of hugs and kisses.

Big sisters definitely have lots of fun! Clara loves to cook and bake and often helps me!

Making juice with Dada
Big sisters get to do lots of fun craft projects.

She loves her sticker book
Painting picture frames

Helping to paint a chair for Bailey
They also get to go to the dentist (and not cry for the first time even getting x-rays)!

They also get cute haircuts!

And they get to ride their bike to the park!

"Have you ever seen a kid wear their casco (helmet) on the slide?
Now you have!"

Big sisters get to swim with Dada!

Practicing her floating

They get to make "lollipop videos" and play with fun friends!

She loves Sophia!

And of course, they get to eat on the potty!

Popsicles at los Tios

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