Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Backyard Campout

Ever since the Hailes visited and Clara found out Hadley was going camping she has wanted to go as well. Then she read a camping book at the cabin and that solidified it. Dada told her that they could go camping in the backyard and everything was set one weekend, but Clara was not behaving well so it got cancelled. She finally got to go camping a couple of weeks ago and had a blast. Emmett and I opted to sleep inside and Clarita and Dada slept in the tent. She was so excited about the air mattress and spent a lot of time playing in the tent after it was set up. Emmett hated it and cried to get out. After Emee went to bed we hung out in the tent, read stories, and then Clarita and Dada got ready for bed. She chose different animals than she normally sleeps with and told me that I could sleep with her other animals so I wouldn't be lonely. She told Dada, "If your [sleeping bag] zipper gets stuck I will fix it and if my zipper gets stuck you can fix it." It was a line from the camping book! Dada said that she fell asleep pretty quickly and slept well. He didn't sleep so well because she moved around, kicked her blankets off and he was afraid she was going to freeze (it was actually cold that night), and her pillow kept falling off the air mattress. Clara absolutely loved it and insisted on playing in the tent until we took it down the next afternoon. She is already talking about going camping again!

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