Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Zoo Day

Aunt Beth spent a week with Aba and on Labor Day weekend we headed to the zoo with Aba, Aunt Beth, Tia, and Bayleaf. It was a little cooler than it had been so we enjoyed the nice weather. We hadn't been in awhile and got to see the meerkats, new Roo Walkabout where you walk right next kangaroos and wallabies, baby wild boars, and pregnant lion! The kids had a great time running around, feeding the giraffes, and playing. It was Emmett's first time petting the animals in the petting zoo and he was so excited he was shaking! He ran from animal to animal not even sure which to touch! Clarita fell in love with a goat and spent most of the time petting and brushing her. We ran into some friends at the zoo and at lunch afterward too! It was a great morning and the kids were exhausted by the time we got home!

Napping with Bailey's hat on the way to the zoo.

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