Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Cousin Fun

We are so lucky to live close to our families. Growing up none of my cousins lived in the same state as me and we only got to see them a couple of times per year. I love that Clara and Emmett get to see their cousins all the time. Aba babysits Clara, Bayleaf, and Emmett two to three times per week and Abuela Sheri watches Teegee and Tristan with Clara and Emmett at least once per week. We also get together with Bayleaf and los Tios at least once per week so the cousins have lots of time to play together. It is so fun watching them together. They really love each other and have so much fun together! Clara constantly refers to Bailey as her sister and they really act more like sisters than cousins! Unfortunately I'm not usually around when Teegee and Tristan are so all of my pictures are with the kids and Bailey...

Learning about computers with Tio

Wagon rides in the house!


Signing Time and snacks
Wagon rides with Aba


Celebrating Grandma Donna's birthday

Playing on the tennis court without clothes

Watching a lollipop video with Tia

Dada day!



Dress up fun

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