Monday, August 22, 2016

Fun Day 2016

Fun Day 11 was another, well, fun day! The theme was Superheroes and I didn't have a lot of time or motivation to plan costumes. I bought great costumes but stupid Amazon Prime's two day shipping turned into four day shipping and they did not arrive on time. So I decided that we were "super swimmers" and we wore swimsuits and capes. Clara thought it was pretty awesome! Dada always does something crazy to his hair for Fun Day and since the Olympics started the night before he decided to go with an Olympic theme. Tio did a great job shaving a flag and Olympic rings into his hair! I wanted to give Emmett a fun haircut but Dada vetoed that idea (he's much more sentimental about hair than I am). 

Aba and Grandma Donna joined the grandmas recruited to watch the kids while the adults played games. Both the kids had fun and even Emmett was too distracted by the toys to care that I was leaving!

Lounging with Connor and Rory

I didn't do so great in the picture taking category, but luckily Sarah did so I stole hers! We had fun doing a relay involving carrying ping pong balls on spoons and then throwing/hitting them with paddles into an alcoholic drink mixture which we then had to drink. There was also the annual beer hunt which included the highlight of one team breaking the fountain, and the annual water soaked ball launch. It was a fun filled day and the little ones had fun playing with a giant water slide, in the pool, watching a movie, and just playing with the other kids!

The white team

The black team

The blue team

Group shot

UCSD guys

The Stoothoffs

The Burchetts

The Derbys

The Rodriguezs

Tia and Bayleaf

Sarah and her little Hulks

Just missing Dada
Clara refused to be in the picture

The Mounts

Natalie and Billy

The Johnsons

First cake

He wouldn't eat any cake for his cake smash
pictures but inhaled it at Fun Day
Ben is spent!

Poor fountain...

We came with Clara but left with Cousin It!

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