Sunday, May 28, 2017

Swedish Festival 2017

As always we started out the Swedish Festival with the Dala Trot. Dada and Tio ran the 10K and Aba and Tia pushed the kids in the 2 miler while I ran. As always I was in it to win it (which is why I ran the shorter race) because I am greedy and want more Dala Horses. Two miles isn't long enough for me, but I sprinted away and managed to win and get a PR of 12:20, which was my goal the first time I ran a 2 mile race. Unfortunately, the race was poorly organized and a girl ran the 2 mile race but started with  the 10K, thus giving her an 8 minute head start and making her "win." It was obvious to everyone watching the race that this girl jogging in front of a bunch of guys sprinting wasn't actually the winner, but apparently the people in charge of the race weren't as smart and gave the horse to her. When it was pointed out what had happened they were very rude and basically told me they couldn't do anything about it. Needless to say I was pretty angry and as a result failed to take any pictures of the guys finishing, our family, or the HMC group in the shirts Chelsea made.

Shoes all ready for the race!

Aba, Tia, and ninos

Erin, Liz, and Julie

Aba beating Tia!

We ate Swedish pancakes after the race, but I was still so mad I couldn't even enjoy them. Clara and Emmett loved the sausage and fruit cup, but wouldn't touch the pancakes so Dada took one for the team and ate theirs!

We braved the heat and hit up the parade and the kids really enjoyed it. Emmett was enthralled by the trucks, and Clara loves everything about parades. The highlight was watching Lyla offer licks of her lollipop to Clara and Bailey! She's such a good sharer!

Lyla and Clara

Stroller brigade

Sharing her lollipop

Best seat around!

Strollers double as chairs

We checked out all the booths after the parade, signed Clara up for soccer (Emmett was really jealous and tried to take the soccer ball), bounced in the bounce house, and ate hot dogs and Dippin Dots. Emmett fell asleep with a hot dog in his hand and never woke up when I transferred him to his bead. I think that's a sign that it was a good morning!

Only at the Swedish Festival...

Mother's Day Celebrations

We celebrated Mother's Day with Dada's family Saturday night which was nice because we actually got to rest on Mother's Day rather than running around from celebration to celebration. Los Abuelos cooked some yummy food and we enjoyed hanging out and watching the kids play. Emmett ate his body weight in fruit and we all had a great evening! Unfortunately I did not get many pictures, and no family time!

This guy loves fruit

On Mother's Day the kids and I went for a run and then to church while Dada rode his bike up some mountains. The kids were extra great in the morning, they must have known it was Mother's Day! We headed to Tio Robert and Tia Erika's after church for a delicious lunch! Tia Erika got the kids some new toys to play with at their house and they had a blast golfing and playing with the dollhouse. A few fights ensued and Clara earned a time out, but otherwise it was a great afternoon celebrating all the moms! We got to go home, rest and then play outside after naps. I had a great time with the little ones that made me a mom!

Snack after church

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Party Animals

We have been quite the party animals lately and it seems like we have had one or two birthday parties every weekend. The kids love getting to see all their friends and eat cake! We're lucky to have so many great friends close by and it is super fun to watch all the kids grow up together!

Jeffrey turned three at the end of April and Mikael and Erin outdid themselves with a fixer upper party complete with homemade tool boxes for the kids to decorate and tool belts from home depot. Clara was beyond excited that she finally got a tape measure like Dada and she did not want to take her tool belt off to get into the car (or sleep). We're so glad the Johnsons moved back from Virgina so we can hang out!

My little construction worker

Playing in the sandbox Mikael built

Girls just wanna have fun!

Impressively messy!

Reed made quite the mess too!
Next was Cinco de Mayo and George's birthday. We spent the evening at the McClarty's enjoying good food (and margaritas), and lots of fun. Clara insisted on bringing her new bike which led to all the kids wanting to ride bikes (good thing Reedcito and Kierito have quite the selection). It was a bit chaotic with the bigger kids riding pretty fast and the little kids putting around, but surprisingly nobody got hurt or run over!

We celebrated Evy's second birthday at the park the next day and the weather went from hot on Friday to windy and cold on Saturday. All the kids were freezing, but still managed to have fun. The party was troll themed and the kids all got troll party hats. They had a blast playing on the playground and eating pizza and cake. Kieran and Eli took turns throwing tantrums that were so hilarious we all couldn't help but laugh.

Sunday we headed to church for Isiah's dedication followed by his first birthday party. The kids had fun playing with all the moving toys and eating cupcakes and Otter Pops. Clara loved jumping in the bounce house with Grace and Rebecca and Emmett was content to ride bikes and play with balls. Both kids enjoyed the two week old kittens and Clarita is still talking about them!