Friday, May 12, 2017

21 Months

Mt little Snugglebuggle is getting so big! There is nothing baby-like about him anymore (although Clarita still insists that he is a baby). He is much more independent than Clara was at this age (and sometimes more than she is now), probably because he wants to do everything she does and probably also because I encourage him to do a lot of things I did for Clara simply because I don't have as much time now. He gets super frustrated when he can't do all the things Bailey and Clara do and doesn't understand why we won't let him do certain things like stand on chairs. 

New do!

Clara just came along for the toys!

Bailey's first haircut

Emee loves being active. Riding his bike, Clara's scooter, and playing outside with balls are some of his favorite things to do. He refuses to take his bike helmet off and wears it all over including to dinner! Buggle constantly asks to go outside and cries if we tell him no. He tries (and sometimes succeeds) to put his shoes on himself so he can go outside. He also likes to put his own pants on, and one day even put Clara's panties on! He loves to say, "I dodit" or point to things and say "Emee" to tell us that he wants to do them himself.

He finally decided he likes ice cream

And he still loves clips!

Dada is so fun!

He had to get Clara's Anna and Elsa dolls
to watch Frozen!

Cousins are the best!

He hasn't been very interested in going potty this month but really wants panties like Clara and will tell us when he is wet/poopy. He gets upset when he is wet and often wants to be changed right away. He has had some ugly blisters on his penis and we have been letting him run around without a diaper in the hopes of them getting better. Once he pooped on one of the playroom chairs and was hysterical because that wasn't where he was supposed to poop. He does the same thing if he pees outside or on the floor. I take this as a good sign because he knows he should be going in the potty. Clara never cared if she peed on the floor. Hopefully there will be some potty training in our future if we can ever manage to stay home for a couple days in a row!

He loves Nene

Pretty sure he's taking a selfie


He's talking more, but all of his words sound similar and it is difficult to understand him if you don't spend a lot of time with him. This makes him frustrated because he tells us what he wants and we don't understand. He's incorporated more signs which he reverts to if we don't understand what he says. Emee is very concerned with messes and hates when his hands or feet get dirty. While he's eating he will say, "meh meh (mess mess)" and request something to wipe his hands with. I appreciate this quality!

Pretending to swim

Going to Clara's "school"

Safety first

Dying eggs (aka throwing them in the dye)

Emmett continues to be such a lover! He loves snuggles and always gives us hugs and kisses. He is still a Mama's boy and often wants me to carry him around. He has lately become super jealous of Bailey and Clara and does not want me to hold them. He will say, "No Wewah mama, Emee" and shake his head no furiously if we're upstairs and he hears Clara coming up. The Little Guy has discovered babies and really likes it when I hold them. He is surprisingly not jealous and will sit by us and show the baby things like his shoe and tell them what it is. He gets upset when I stop holding the baby and says, "Mama bebe" and nods his head yes. He's such a happy little guy and we love him to pieces!


He thinks stamps are lipstick

Bath fun with Brinley

Emmett's Stats
Weight: 26.2 pounds 
Height:  31.5 inches 
Head Circumference: 19 inches 

What Emmett Wears
He can still fit into 18 months pants, but his shirts are mostly 2T now and I have started buying him 2T shorts which fit. His shoes are size 5 but are getting pretty snug.

Things Emmett Loves
Mama and Dada, Clarita and Bailey, playing with his toys, people in general, spitting, splurping, fruit, animals-especially his cats, going for walks in the stroller, swinging, Gymboree, baths, bubbles, being outside, climbing, balls, running, hats, jumping, dancing, socks, shoes, bikes, scooters, blowing bubbles with straws, stuffed animals especially Bearbears and Nene, his water bottle, clips, Shopkins.

Things Emmett Does Not Love
Waiting to eat, having things taken away from him, being told no, Mama carrying Clara or Bailey.

Emmett is super picky and it really just depends on the day. He will only eat what he wants when he wants it. He will always eat fruit, especially berries and cheese (only in the form of a cheese stick). He still doesn't really like meat unless it is a chicken nugget, sausage, or hot dog and rarely eats veggies although I continue to put them on his plate. He drinks cow milk now and doesn't seem anymore interested in it than he was in breast milk. 

He signs more, eat, sleep, water, hat, please, thank you, baby, all done, outside, dog, cat, fish, horse, ball, train, drink, brush teeth, car, shoes, socks, wash hands, Dada, Mama, diaper, tree, bird, banana, boat, pear, star, monkey, book, penguin, help, cheese, star, leaf, carrot, rain, plane, sheep, elephant, giraffe, hot, hurt, butterfly, bike, phone, bus, apple, book, butterfly, shoe, sorry, flower, balloon, grape, apple, butterfly.

He's definitely talking a lot more and says Mama, Dada, ma (mas), awa (agua), wehwah (clara), up, dow (down), a a (hat), baal (ball), bah (bye), awa (agua), uh uh (uh oh), papa (pizza), baby (Bailey), bapa (Baza and calabaza [pumpkin]), Aba, aa daa (all done), dat (that), I know (I don't know), myyy (mine), no, dare (there), nana (naranja [orange]), abi (habichuela [green bean]), bearbear (Carebear), bebe [baby], pe (pez [fish]), turto (turtle), mer (comer [eat]), tar (star), deet (dientes [teeth]), chee (cheese), emo (Elmo), neighneigh (conejo [rabbit]), pa (pan [bread]), ama (grandma), wite dare (right there), I do dit (I do it), apane (airplane), anah (oh no), uh huh (yes), efay (elefante), bii (bib), gat (gato [cat]), pwuh (please), abay (abre [open]), behway (berry), no (nose), da (dog), dar (car), ow, mehmeh (medicine), opdow (upside down), Awlaf (Olaf), Anna, Edsa (Elsa), ot da (hot dog), weh (wet), buh (bus), apo (apple), abay (abre), in ere (in there), bubow (bubble), choo (shoe), papo (zapato [shoe]), flor [flower], coot (scoot), dator (doctor), rahrah (rana [frog]), wayway (huevo [egg]), meh (mess), ah (eye), Dadee, mabo (marble), dada (cuidado [careful]), nar (caminar [walk]), geti (spaghetti), nano (dinosaur), chee (cheese), tanku (thank you), noh (nose), gobo (globo [balloon]).

How Emmett Sleeps
Emmett goes to bed around 8:30 and sleeps until around 6:30/7:00. He takes a nap between 1:00 and 2:00 for 3 to 4 hours. He sleeps with his sleep sack, water, and a million animals. His favorite is Conejo (Nene) followed closely by his Carebears. He generally sleeps on his stomach.

He has nine teeth, both bottom front, his top left (top right got knocked out), his top incisors, all four molars.

Snugglebuggle/Buggle, Little Guy, Baby Emmett/Baby, Baby Bug, Buddy, Emee, Bubba

Monthly Exciting Events
March 3, 2017: First time out
March 26, 2017: Finishes his frozen breast milk
April 28, 2017: First time in the ocean 

Monthly Pictures

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