Sunday, May 21, 2017

San Diego!

We headed to San Diego the last weekend of April because Dada, Fafa, and Tio did a bike ride fundraiser for diabetes research. I had to go to Napa for work first so I came home Thursday afternoon, picked up the kids from los Abuelos, and then went home and helped Dada pack the kids into the car and hit the road for San Diego. It was a long day, but I got to see a lot of California and since it actually rained this year, it was a very pretty drive! The drive wasn't too bad and both kids fell asleep and we made it in five and a half hours with an hour stop for dinner. The first night we stayed with Mikaela, Zac, and Baby Dylan. We hadn't met Dylan yet and were all super excited to snuggle with him in the morning! Clarita kept asking to hold him and Emmett kept requesting that I hold him. He's such a sweet little guy and we all loved him!

We're all pretty in love!

Friday we hung out at the beach with Mikaela and Dylan. The kids loved playing in the ocean with Dada and Mikaela (I happily stayed with the baby) until a wave destroyed Emmett. He wanted nothing to do with the ocean after that. We had lunch (luckily it was empty because the kids were tired and crazy) and headed back to Mikaela's. Emmett fell asleep on the way and stayed asleep for hours. Clara showered and then rolled around for a little while before declaring she could not sleep and coming out to play with Dylan. After a late dinner we headed to Uncle RyRy and Auntie Jenny's (Tio's brother and sister-n-law) where Clara and Bailey were so happy to be reunited. They were so sweet to let us all stay there!

Saturday the guys had their bike ride and Dada left early. Emmett woke up super early too and we hung out watching Carebear videos and reading until the girls finally woke up. After breakfast Tia, the kids, and I headed to the beach. We met Nicolette and her family and spent some time playing with them. Tia and the girls played in the water. Emmett, on the other hand, cried any time I mentioned the ocean. Then we took some very tired kids back to nap. We never saw the guys biking because it is just too difficult with three kids, but they all did awesome. Dada and Fafa rode 100 miles and Tio rode 67. It was super windy and hot and they still persevered! They raised over $5000 for diabetes research and got their own special table complete with sign! We're definitely proud of them!

Playing with the Crutchfields

Sandy pizza

After naps the kids played in the spa with Dada. Tio Josue and los Abuelos came over for dinner and Tio, Uncle RyRy, and Auntie Jenny made a delicious meal! We had a blast catching up with Tio Josue and the kids had fun playing and being crazy. 

Sunday morning we headed out to meet Mikaela and Dylan for breakfast. It was great spending time with them and Clarita was sad to leave (as were we all). We hit the road and after four stops (mostly for potty between the two kids) we finally made it home! It was a great trip!

Switching car seats is fun!

Baby Dylan wearing one of Emmett's old outfits

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