Sunday, December 31, 2017

Thanksgiving 2017

For the first time in a couple of years everyone was able to make it to Thanksgiving! We had it at our house as always, but it seemed so much easier this year and less rushed. I even was able to play soccer in the morning and get ready in time! I realized it's because the kids are older and more self sufficient so I can spend more time getting things ready. 

Helping to set the table

The littlest helper

We managed to take family pictures with everyone for the first time in years! Despite a meltdown from Clara because the sun was in her eyes, they went pretty well and we got some good ones. I may have bribed the kids with caramel corn...

My kids actually tried all of their food and liked almost none of it. Bailey tried most and likes some, and Teagan brought her own sandwich and refused to eat any of the other food! Elise was an angel as always. We had an amazing meal and it was a perfect day (minus the fact that it was hot!).

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Bailey Turns Three

I can't believe Bayleaf is three! She's a spunky, sweet little girl who loves to play with her cousins and sister, but also has a defiant side and growls and refuses to listen when she's mad. She and Clara say that they're sisters and really act more like sisters than cousins. Bailey and Emmett have so much fun together and are definitely going to cause trouble together since they'll be in the same grade. We love this little girl so much and had fun celebrating her! Tia had a family party for her on her actual birthday and we had dinner and cake. Bailey opened all of her presents while the adults were talking in the kitchen and we came in to find her in the middle of wrapping paper!

Eating his green beans before he could have cake

Getting every last drop!

This year Bailey requested a princess party and got her wish. She wore a Rapunzel dress, and Clara, surprisingly refused to wear a princess dress. It was a surprisingly warm day for November and the kids had a ton of fun playing together outside with the wagon, cars, and balls. We enjoyed pizza and cake and the favors included princess wands and tiaras for the girls and swords for the boys. Emmett cried when he was given a sword and insisted upon a tiara! It was a great day celebrating one of our favorites!

Clara and I dressed Elise up like
a real life doll!

Sarah and the boys had a picnic on the ground

The candle would not blow out!

Such a pretty princess