Sunday, December 31, 2017

Thanksgiving 2017

For the first time in a couple of years everyone was able to make it to Thanksgiving! We had it at our house as always, but it seemed so much easier this year and less rushed. I even was able to play soccer in the morning and get ready in time! I realized it's because the kids are older and more self sufficient so I can spend more time getting things ready. 

Helping to set the table

The littlest helper

We managed to take family pictures with everyone for the first time in years! Despite a meltdown from Clara because the sun was in her eyes, they went pretty well and we got some good ones. I may have bribed the kids with caramel corn...

My kids actually tried all of their food and liked almost none of it. Bailey tried most and likes some, and Teagan brought her own sandwich and refused to eat any of the other food! Elise was an angel as always. We had an amazing meal and it was a perfect day (minus the fact that it was hot!).

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