Monday, December 11, 2017

Lo Que Dice Emmett Verano 2017

When Emmett turned two he was still barely talking and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to write one of these. Then literally within a week of turning two he started talking up a storm! Aba always said that he knew a lot and when he started talking it would be full sentences and she was right! Emmett now talks nonstop just like Clara. He's still very difficult to understand and is missing so many sounds, but his sentences are grammatically correct and I think he actually talks better than Clara did at his age. I can't wait to hear what the future has in store!

Emmett: "Dada Batman Clara Batgirl!" Mama: "Who's Emmett?" Emmett: "I dunno. Olaf!"

"Hey Siri, shake it off!" (He was trying to get Siri to play "Shake it Off")

Me: "Who's in Clara's car seat?" Emmett: "Bluesha Bapa!" (Clara's imaginary friends)
Dada day!

"Hello, um yeah pizza! That munny (funny)!" (he was talking on his phone)
Music class is exhausting

"Red Robin…yuck!" (He sings it like the Red Robin song and then laughs hysterically)
Such a pretty princess

After doing a somersault off his chair "I dead I dead!"
Wearing Clara's robe

"Vitamina (vitamins) en my owie." (He meant medicina)

"I take my tap shoes off!" (As he pretends to take pretend tap shoes off after a dance lesson from Clara)

"Not mommy brush my teeth. Only Kebin!"

"I put ballet shoes on." (When asked to choose shoes to go outside)

Such a pretty ballerina

Dada: “No más o dile adiós (No more or say goodbye to it).” Emmett: “Adiós Kevin!”

Watching Clara at ballet

Clara: “You’re not a niñita, you’re a niñito!” Emmett: “No, I big boy!”
Gymboree fun

Me: “What starts with an A ah ah ah?” Emmett: “Amen!”

Dates with Winnie
“I not have black eye, only Bailey have black eyes!” (When I told him he was going to get a black eye from acting crazy and falling down.)

Jamba Juice with Mama while Clara's in school

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