Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Clara's First Season of Soccer

Clara wasn't super excited to play soccer this year. She only wanted to do ballet but I convinced her to give soccer a try by bribing her with pink shin guards and cleats. She actually liked soccer but would tell anyone who would listen that she only played because I made her! Practices were great and she would participate and do really well. Games were another story. She started out the season pretty well and actually tried and kicked the ball (at least for the first quarter). Then she scored a goal and I think she decided she was done. She spent the rest of the season halfheartedly jogging behind the other players and making the best annoyed faces when we told her to try. 

Kieran was on the same team and the two of them spent a lot of time holding hands and talking (it was super cute). She also "coached" Kieran during the games and told him all the things he should do, and he actually listened. Maybe she should be a cheerleader instead... Kieran improved a lot and had some pretty good skills by the end. Clara said the best part of soccer was the snack and she always wolfed those down and got pretty into choosing what to bring and decorating the bags. All in all it was an ok first season and she surprised all of us by saying that she wants to play again next year!

These two!

Holding hands

More hand holding

Gatorade mouth
Clara always had quite the cheering section! Aba, los Abuelos, los Tios, and Tio Robert and Tia Erika all made it to some games! At the last game we went to (we were gone for the actual last game) I think Clara and Kieran had more spectators than the rest of the kids combined! They're both lucky to have so many people to support them! We even made it to watch Tristan and Teagan one week! The girls were randomly both number two!

Elise was captivated by the games!

Earning his snacks

He's in it for the snacks

End of the season pizza party


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