Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Big, Big, Big Fresno Fair

We took our clients to the fair and it happened to be a day that Clara had an early release so Dada brought the kids after school to meet me. As always, we had a fabulous time! We started out with giant corn dogs and pizza. Then we saw the animals and the kids got to milk a pretend cow, ride little tractors, and play a bunch of games. We watched motorcycles drive in a cage and ran into their preschool teacher. Each year there is an exhibit that changes and this year the theme was games. We played giant games of Operation, Jenga, and Legos and the kids had fun (I personally thought it was a little lame compared to past exhibits).

The kids decided that they did not want to go on any rides because Clara was obsessed with eating cotton candy for the first time (apparently I had told her a while ago that the next time we saw it she could try it) and she convinced Emmett that he wanted some too. Needless to say, they were both disappointed. Clara said it was too sweet and regretted her decision to chose cotton candy over a cinnamon roll. We were all hot and tired by the time we left and Emmett lasted a whole five minutes before falling asleep!

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