Sunday, November 4, 2018

Pumpkin Patchin'

We tried to hit up Hillcrest for some pumpkins and trains on the first weekend it was open, but los Tios got sick and Tio Robert and Tia Erika got delayed so we decided to wait until the next weekend. Unfortunately that meant that it was much more crowded. We still had a good time and ran into a ton of friends. We sat in the cattle car on the train as requested by the kids and they even mooed for the conductor!

Clara had a blast picking out different spots and pumpkins to pose with and we managed to get some fairly good pictures. However, she would only pose when and where she wanted and Emmett followed suite so we didn't take as many pictures as normal, but thoroughly enjoyed ourselves!

I stole some cute pictures of Eleanora from Aba so it's almost like she was with us!

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