Sunday, October 28, 2018

September Fun

I feel like September was the first month in a long time where every weekend wasn't jam packed with planned activities and we could relax and do what we wanted. Don't get me wrong, we still managed to do a lot, but it just felt less busy. We hit up Home Depot with the Johnson's for their kid's craft. The kids made a football game and had a blast!

Later that day we headed to Tia Erika's parents' house to celebrate her dad's birthday. The kids bounced, colored, ate, and played. I took Eleanora in the bounce house for her first time, but I don't think she was too excited... The babies were pretty fascinated with each other and we even managed to get some pictures of Aba with all her grand kids!

Clara decided that she did not want training wheels anymore and learned to ride her bike. When she sets her mind to something she is like me and gets it done. However the same goes when she decides she can't or doesn't want to do something! We spent a lot of time snuggling and being crazy at home and we even managed to get in a few more swim lessons!

Trying on Dada's socks

And Dada's shirt

We had lots of trips to the park and even hit up a street fair in Sanger. The kids went on some rides and we thought Emmett was going to throw up on the teacups!


We managed to take advantage of the heat and get in one last swim/BBQ night with the Engstroms!

Eleanora started coming over on Wednesdays and the kids are quite smitten with her!

I had to go to Sacramento for work and randomly so did our friend Chad from Peace Corps at the same time. He lives in D.C. so it was awesome to get to catch up with him!

We had a fun night with the Kauks. Emmett and Brinley are so silly together and Clara and Cami are so sweet.

You never know when you're going to have a spur of the moment popsicle party with your friends!

We all got a bad stomach flu, but still managed to make it to the Harvest Moon Festival. Emmett even got to choose the numbers for Bingo! Unfortunately later in the week he had diarrhea at preschool while going potty at the urinal...not a fun time.

We went to the Clay School Fall Festival one afternoon after church as is our yearly tradition. This year was even more fun because we actually know people that go there!

Dada took the kids to Reedley Beach to finish out a fun month!

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