Sunday, October 14, 2018

Life of a Big Sister

Clarita continues to be an awesome big sister (most of the time). The two have definitely started fighting more as Emmett isn't as easy going as before and doesn't just let her do whatever she wants, but they generally love each other. She continues to exclaim that he is so cute and always talks about how she loves her baby brother. Clara likes to "read" to Emmett and teach him things in her preschool. If he's scared of something she generally helps him out and gives him hugs. They really are sweet together!

And, when Emmett is taking three hour naps Clara has lots of time to do fun big sister things like baking with Dada. He is much more patient and less of a control freak than me so it's more fun!

Using Great Grandma Reva's super old mixer

Licking the beaters=most important part!

One day one of Dada's giant sunflowers fell down, but don't worry, Builder Clarita to the rescue!

We managed to get in one more Mama Clara doughnut date in before preschool ended!

Clara got prepared for her wedding to Reed (she has literally been talking about how she is going to marry him).

Clarita got Dada a scooter for Father's Day and they go on rides together!

We took the big girls to a princess event while the little ones napped and they could not have been more excited! 

Big sisters get to help Dada make dinner. (It may have been a little spicy/salty in spots but still good!)

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