Friday, October 5, 2018

Cooling Off

The heat continued through August so we decided to escape the valley one weekend and head up to the cabin. We also wanted to see the new addition that is being built so the whole family can fit comfortably. I had a soccer coaches meeting so we headed up Friday night after the meeting. Both kids fell asleep in the car and then were crazy when we got there.

Dada and I were able to get in a run together Saturday morning. Although I felt like I was going to die, it was nice to run together for a change. After that we headed to Hume Lake for a "hike" around the lake followed by lunch. Both kids walked the entire time. Emmett and I were ahead of everyone else and he did great, not even complaining! 

Accurate portrayal of how I felt during the run

Inaccurate portrayal of how Clara felt eating helado

We had a fire that night and made s'mores. Clara refused because she was in a bad mood, but Emmett love it (other than the fire being super hot when he was roasting the marshmallows). He also loved the s'more and made a giant mess! The kids took turns serenading us around the fire and telling really awesome jokes (Knock knock, who's there? Shark, shark who? Shark I didn't say orange!).

Coin rolling

Collecting wood for the fire

We're all looking at the camera and smiling...miracle!

The kids and Dada "camped" in the tent on the deck and had a rough night complete with kids falling off the air mattress, Dada having to sleep on the hard ground because they didn't have a big enough air mattress, and not a lot of sleep. I slept great inside!

Sunday we headed to Redwood Canyon for some hiking. Emmett did pretty well but there was definitely some complaining from Clara. They managed to hike four miles without killing anyone (Emmett had to be carried on the steep rocky parts or he probably would have died) and we had fun!

Los Abuelos headed back to the cabin and we headed to Hume to eat lunch and swim. The water wasn't too cold and both Dada and I took turns swimming across the lake. The kids had a ton of fun playing in the sand and water. Clara found a log that she swam around pushing and she wanted to walk on it!

They got to go to the store and get their reward and we enjoyed a delicious dinner before heading back to the heat. It was a nice, relaxing weekend and we can't wait until the addition is finished!

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