Sunday, September 30, 2018

Lo Que Dice Emmett Primavera 2018

I figured that I had better write this before summer ends and I have to write a new one! Emmett continues to be a little chatterbox, talking all the time about everything. He speaks more Spanish than Clara and is finally able to translate things if asked. Emmett is still difficult to understand, but I feel like people who spend a lot of time around him can generally understand him. Clara and Bailey are probably the best at it. He likes to tell "jokes" and thinks he's hilarious...sometimes he is!

Clara: “You’re Grapenuts!” Emmett: “No I Blueberry Morning!”

“ I found something yucky. It’s a real gummy worm!" (It was a dead worm)

“I have hair on my head and Dada have hair on his arm and everywhere!”

“I a little bit bebe (baby) mom, but not too much!”

“Gel no!” (In Spanish gel is pronounced hell so it was extra funny)

“You not gonna have any hair left if you keep taking it out.” (In response to my hair falling out when I brushed it)

“Only uno (one) kid can go in there but no mamas. There’s just one seat.” ( About his toy airplane)

“I farted poopoo out!” (Clara quickly explained to him that it was diarrhea but he was not buying it!)

“I say yo se. That means no!” (It actually means I know)

“Dada why you have that hair? Why you not have any more hair?” (After he cut his hair.)

Me: “Who has stinky armpits?” Clara: “Dada!” Emmett: (from the bathroom where he was going potty) "Emmett! I stinky!”

Emmett was concerned that Dada had a spiderweb on his shirt. “Open the window and throw it out!”

Dada: "That was Dada's calculator when he was en la universidad." Emmett: "It not Dada's anymore. It Emmett’s!"

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