Thursday, September 13, 2018

Elise's First Birthday

Elise turned one! She is the happiest baby around and always has a scrunchy faced smile for anyone who looks at her! Elise is loved by all the big kids and they are all always trying to make sure there is nothing small within her reach that she could choke on. She loves them too and literally crawls after them trying to do whatever they do. One day they were taking turns weighing themselves and she crawled onto the scale behind them!

Elisey had a rough first year that culminated with her being allergic to dairy and eggs. Her growth slowed down, and she had to get blood drawn and lots of tests. She still has more tests to do, but as of now it appears that she is just a little behind in her developmental milestones, and insanely flexible which probably hinders her walking, but nothing of real concern. I think she just does things at her own pace! Hopefully she will out grow her allergies and grow soon!

She had a unicorn party and was the cutest little unicorn around! Tia did a great job making an amazing unicorn cake and super cute decorations (I did a good job taking pictures with Tios camera but a terrible job with my own). The kids had a blast swimming, eating pizza, and playing. Elise did the best cake smash I have ever seen and was absolutely covered in frosting! We loved celebrating our favorite one year old!

Eleanora ready to party!

So good!

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