Sunday, September 9, 2018

Three Years

I'm having a hard time believing that Emmett is three. He's turning into such a big boy and developing quite the personality! Gone is my agreeable little guy and in his place is an opinionated, stubborn little boy. He and Clara fight all the time now because she can't just convince him to trade her toys anymore. Emmett knows what he wants and he gets very upset if he doesn't get it. We have about a million crying fits a day, but luckily he is still generally pretty easy to console and gets over it quickly.

Emmett is all boy and is so much rougher than Clara ever was. He loves to smash and crash and has been known to hit Clara when she does something he doesn't like something she does or wants a toy she has. We are working on controlling our emotions. Emmett loves trucks, cars, and anything that goes. When we're driving he yells every time he sees a "digger," crane, tractor, etc. I've found myself noticing them when I am driving alone now!

So chivalrous

Just making sure he respects feminism

So peaceful when he sleeps

Helping feed Tios' dogs

He loves climbing ladders

Checking out the baby birds

Although Emmett can be a little monster, he is still my sweet, lovely little guy. He constantly tells me, "I yike you Mama. And Dada and Cawah." He is always giving us hugs and kisses and still loves snuggling (when he slows down enough). He loves his stuffed animals and always hugs them and kisses them. Emmett also loves Elise and is very gentle with her and always concerned that she might pick up a tiny toy and choke on it. He always comes over to her and gives her hugs and kisses when she gets to our house in the morning and brings her toys!

Some of his sleeping toys

Shin guards and babies!

My Bug loves all sports and constantly says he wants to be a baseball player when he grows up. The other options are a builder or a motorcycle driver (Clara promptly told him that was too dangerous). Emmett wants to play all sports and can't decide which he likes the most. He loves watching sports on TV and throwing all the different types of balls he has. Emee loves to swim, especially with his face in the water. He still uses a floaty, but tends to jump in the pool without it. When this happens and he has to be fished out, he is never concerned, only proud that he went underwater. I think we have a daredevil on our hands! He also loves "fixing" things and building. He plans to build a house when he is bigger and has offered to fix anything I break! He loves his tools and is excited anytime he sees Dada use a tool he has.

Peeing outside is his favorite!

We haven't really worked with Emmett on any school type stuff but he can recognize his name and knows what letter all of our names starts with. He can sing the ABCs in English and Spanish and recognize most letters. Buggle is actually pretty good at counting and can count to 20 and count objects. He was actually doing simple addition once day and I have no idea how he learned.

His "baseball glove"

Tiny caterpillar

This little Bug is my little buddy and we just love him to pieces! Clara always talks about how cute her baby brother is and how much she loves him. The feeling is pretty mutual and if Emmett wakes up before Clara he is legitimately sad that he can't play with her. Watching the two of them together (when they're playing nicely) warms my heart!

Doctor's visits =

Ice cream!

Emmett's Stats
Weight: 31.5 pounds 
Height:  36 inches 

What Emmett Wears
He's in mostly 3T but still fits into some 2T shorts (not pants) and his shoes are either 6 or 7 depending on the brand.

Things Emmett Loves
Mama and Dada, Clarita, Bailey, and Elise, fruit, animals-especially his cats, swinging, baths, bubbles, being outside, climbing, balls, running, jumping, dancing, bikes, scooters, helmets, stuffed animals especially neigh neighs, copying Clara and Bailey, dinosaurs, puzzles, cars/trucks, sports, his BBQ, tools.

Things Emmett Does Not Love
Not being able to do what Clara does, having to wait, being told no, getting a toy taken away from him, Clara not sharing.

Emmett continues to love fruit and pizza. He added sausage in this year, but everything else is hit or miss. He is so stubborn when it comes to eating and what he eats really just depends on the day. If he doesn't want to eat something it is pretty impossible to get him to and he can't even be bribed with dessert anymore. Sometimes he sits down at dinner, looks at his food, and announces that he doesn't want dessert meaning he's not going to eat. If he refuses to eat dinner now I just leave it on the table and if he's hungry he can have it later. If not he goes to bed without eating. Emmett generally loves cereal and eats several bowlfuls for breakfast so at least he starts the day right!


Our quiet child turned into a chatterbox over the past year! I think he talks more than Clara and he literally never stops. He's still pretty difficult to understand and although his grammar is pretty good, he is missing a ton of sounds. He can't say F, L, P, S, V, and probably a million others. I am already planning that he will need to go to speech in school.

How Emmett Sleeps
Emmett goes to bed between 8:30 and 9:00 and sleeps until around 6:30 or 7:00. He takes a nap between 1:00 and 2:00 for 3 to 4 hours. He sleeps in his twin bed with water, a pile of his favorite toys (at the moment), and a million animals. His favorites are his bunnies (neigh neighs) and he now has a collection of four (a mama, dada, Clara and baby) who he named Coocoobaba, Tatatuhneighneigh, Baby Neighneigh, and Thumper (he obviously came with that name). He's still a great sleeper and often has to be woken up from nap and in the mornings. Clara will often get him up when she wakes up and wants to play.


He finally grew all of his teeth! The last one literally popped through a couple days before his birthday!

Snugglebuggle/Buggle,  Baby, Baby Bug, Buddy, Emee, Bubba, My Cute Little Baby Brother (what Clara likes to refer to him as)

Favorite Colors
Blue, Orange, Green, and Yellow

Best Friends
Bailey and Clara (sometimes Elise is thrown in)

Exciting Events
May 19, 2018: First Dala Trot
April 13, 2018: First roller coaster
March 28, 1208: First candy bar
March 22, 2018: First time at Chuck e Cheese’s
March 18, 2018: First time in snow shoes
February 10, 2018: No more pullups
January 22, 2018: Officially turns forward facing (in Mama's car at least)
January 9, 2018: First time forward facing in a car seat
December 27, 2017: Gets a big boy bed
December 8, 2017: First night sleeping in a big boy bed (with Clara in a hotel)
December 2, 2017: First hot chocolate
November 20, 2017: First juice
November 5, 2017: First time peeing outside
October 14, 2017: First bee sting, first entire day with undies
October 12, 2017: First time sleeping in a bed/with Mama and Dada
October 7, 2017: First iPad watching, first time in his own seat on a plane, first time going potty on a plane
September 23, 2017: First apple cider
September 10, 2017: First amusement park
August 13, 2017: First happy meal
August 6, 2017: Gets baptized


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