Friday, August 9, 2019

Lo Que Dice Emmett Primevera 2019

This little guy continues to talk up a storm. He literally never stops and talks to himself if nobody is listening. His teachers said he went from the boy who never talked to the boy they had to ask to be quiet. He's started singing a lot too. Emmett is constantly trying to get people to laugh and likes to tell jokes that only he thinks are funny (or even understands sometimes). He's getting easier to understand, but sometimes I still have no idea what he's saying. He still speaks in Spanish a lot and turns Spanish verbs into English by putting English endings (I'm correring I comered). Emmett's new favorite thing is to copy Clara and say everything she says. It's super annoying for everyone involved except him. He stills says "escared" instead of scared just like a native Spanish speaker learning English. It seems to be the only way he can say the "s" correctly! The best part about many of the silly things the little Bug says are the expressions he makes. He often says them with a straight face while nodding his head up and down with his eyes wide open like he is talking about a very serious topic. Other times he says things with a mischievous smile and his eyes looking sideways. He has the best expressions!

“It’s winding!” (About a windmill.)

I was talking about using a kiddie pool for VBS and he said, “For the kitties?”

“That one’s salad flavor.” Talking about cucumber melon lotion.

“Why doesn’t Dada wear a pajama shirt? Is it because he has fur to keep him warm?

We were talking about macaroons and Emmett says: “What does macaroni look like?”

“Is aguacate (avocado) a fruta (fruit) or salad? I think it more salad.”

Me: “What do herbivores eat?” Emmett: “Leaves!” Me: “What do carnivores eat?” Emmett: “Meat. They’re bad.” Me: “What about herbivores?” Emmett: “Salad and meat.”

“Fire truck station”

“I don’t want it to wind away!” (He didn’t want it to blow away in the wind.)

“Do ducks like a lot of water? Is that a dead duck or not? Maybe it’s just swimming on its back!” (While watching ducks in a pond.)

Bailey: “How did you know that? Is it because you’re a smarty-pants?” Emmett: “No I’m smart. Clara is a smarty-pants. She smarter than me.”

Me: “How old do you have to be to drink alcohol?” Emmett: “4, 5, 61!” Me: “That’s right, 61!” Clara: “But you’re not 61...”

“Dada, do you want juice box or beer box?”

“The big toe was going off a little. It didn’t want to stay on my flip flop .”

“I can’t get under the bed. I don’t fit under the bed. My head is too big.” (Hopefully that means he has a big brain?)

“You’re not supposed to use that on your legs. It’s just for crafts.” (Talking about shaving cream)

“I’m gardening the lawn.”

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